Registered Nurse (Aged Care) 254413 Registered Nurse (Child & Family Health) 254414 Registered Nurse (Community Health) 254415 Registered Nurse (Critical Care & Emer.) 2544 Less than 10 places 254416 Registered Nurse (Develop. Disability)
满足澳洲移民局技术移民EOI门槛65分要求; 提名职位在ACT的列表上(ACT Critical Skills List); 近5年至少1年毕业后的相关工作经验; 雅思4个6分或同等英语水平; 有足够的资金在ACT安家; 满足Matrix打分; 申请时人在澳洲境外居住,过去12个月中没有居住在澳洲,并且没有持有澳洲签证(旅游签除外); 对于不知道Matrix如...
1.从8.19开始,只有职业在新更新的CriticalSkills List上的,才可以申请190/491 2.在7.1号前递交的Matrix,只有职业在CriticalSkills List上的,才会被邀请,其他的Matrix不会邀请,将在6个月后失效 3.新清单上的职业,将会设置Cap,每个月名额发满将不会再发放邀请,具体配额在清单里有说明 4. 190的5年居住要求取消,...
配额增加:本财年,堪培拉对190签证的配额增加了67%,总数达到1000个 ;而491签证的配额也增长了33%,总数为800个 ,预示着分数门槛有望降低 邀请规则:堪培拉采用独特的Matrix打分系统 ,不直接依赖联邦EOI分数,为海外与州内申请人设立不同通道 ,且职业邀请范围广泛 ,力求覆盖ACT Critical Skills List上的每一个职业 。...
1月11日晚,澳洲ACT(堪培拉)首都领地政府发布了最新的州担保职业列表(ACT CRITICAL SKILLS LIST - January 2021),并更新ACT州担保指引文件。 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 自今日起,ACT开始使用更新的紧缺技能职业清单,新清单中增加了19个大类别,包含44个新增职业,其中10个职业仅可以申请491,具体如下: ...
职业在堪培拉的Critical Skills List上(需要有职业评估); 190申请人: 在堪培拉连续工作居住6个月(每周至少工作35小时,不需要是提名职业的工作) 491申请人: 在堪培拉连续工作居住3个月 (每周至少工作20小时,无不需要是提名职业的工作); 如果是在堪培拉完成学业的申请人,还有本地居住和学习的加分,更是不在话下。
This is because the types of knowledge and skills measured on the new ACT will remain the same.Kaplan is the official ACT test prep provider and offers a wide range of ACT prep courses and resources to help students succeed on the exam, including:...
In this section, they are trying to assess the candidate’s language use along with rhetorical skills. The questions are generally always related to the passages given. They might include questions that judge the observation skills of the candidate along with their understanding of the language and...
Our original research into the ACT test, offered by ACT, Inc., reveals the specific content areas and the essential skills that are critical for you to know on the ACT test. We've taken the information and developed a study guide that is guaranteed to help you be successful on the ACT ...
Here's the complete list of skills and how often they appear on a typical ACT English section: Look at the difference in commonality between the skills. Transitional logic shows up a whopping 9 times per test, while modifiers shows up just 2 times. If it takes the same amount of time to...