feat: support custom GITHUB_RUN_ID, GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER (#369) Sep 23, 2020 .codespellrc Add codespell support (config, workflow to detect/not fix) and make i… Apr 19, 2024 .editorconfig ci(choco): update chocolatey to 1.1.0 (#1164) May 24, 2022 .gitignore chore: move to environme...
If you need an environment that works just like the corresponding GitHub runner then consider using an image provided by nektos/act-environments: nektos/act-environments-ubuntu:18.04 - built from the Packer file GitHub uses in actions/virtual-environments. ⚠️ 🐘 *** WARNING - this image...
运行 注意因为默认使用的是github 自己的镜像服务,ghcr.io所以会很慢。。。 act 支持的命令 RunGitHubactionslocallybyspecifyingtheeventname (e.g.`push`)oranactionnamedirectly. Usage: act [eventnametorun] Ifnoeventnamepassed,willdefaultto"on: push" [flags] Flags: -a,--actorstringuserthattriggeredthe...
git clone https://github.com/asmaloney/gactarcdgactar ...and run make: make This will create thegactarexecutable. See theweb READMEfor information on developing the web interface. Test To run the built-in tests, from the top-level of the repo run: ...
GitHub:XCSkillEditor_Unitygithub.com/smartgrass/XCSkillEditor_Unity B站:Untiy-Act 技能编辑器-联机对战www.bilibili.com/video/BV18m4y1675a 两个小技能演示 知乎视频1.3 万播放 · 6 赞同视频 Flux是一个类似于TimeLine的轨道动画编辑插件,看过Flux的代码,写得真好,拿来用了。然后再凭借之前写...
git clone https://github.com/2toinf/UniAct-Preview.git cd UniAct-Preview pip install -r requirements.txt 2. 加载模型 首先从Model Zoo下载预训练的 UniAct 模型。 import models.UniAct_V1 from timm.models import create_model uniact_model = create_model("UniAct_05B_CodeBook_256_V1") ...
GitHub GitHub Gists (Independent Publisher) GitHub Utils (Independent Publisher) GitLab (Independent Publisher) Givebutter (Independent Publisher) GlobalGiving Project (Independent Publisher) Gmail GMO Sign GoFileRoom Google BigQuery - Dev (Independent Publisher) Google Books (Independent Publisher) Google ...
最后显示原图,就可以看到目标检测矩形框和类别置信度,还有目标实例染色。从COCO数据集里随机选取若干张图片测试效果。 如下图所示,左边的图是使用opencv做yolact实例分割的可视化结果。右边的图是yolact官方代码(https://github.com/dbolya/yolact)的可视化结果。
gitclonehttps://github.com/2toinf/UniAct-Preview.gitcdUniAct-Preview pip install -r requirements.txt 2. 加载模型 首先从Model Zoo下载预训练的 UniAct 模型。 importmodels.UniAct_V1fromtimm.modelsimportcreate_model uniact_model = create_model("UniAct_05B_CodeBook_256_V1")# 加载预训练的通用...