那么她在2014年-2016年的两年工作经验能用于ACS职业评估的工作经验,Skill Level Requirement Met Date就会是2016年1月31日;而之后2016年-2018年的两年工作经验才能为EOI加分。 如果你的工作经验是在课程结束前(以完成信上的日期为准)完成的,那么Skill Level Requirement Met Date将会是从既满足工作要求又满足学历要求...
* The skill level requirement date for the Post Australian Study Skills Assessment will be noted as the completion date of the relevant Australian degree. Suitable employment completed **after** the completion date of the relevant Australian degree will be eligible for points under the skilled migra...
开发程序员的技能等级为1(ANZSCO Skill Level 1)。 261312 开发程序员所属职业列表 澳洲MLTSSL职业列表 Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List 261312 开发程序员澳洲技术移民职业评估 Skills assessment authority ACS - 澳大利亚计算机协会 Australian Computer Society:1.ACS职业评估不需要雅思,因此可以在职业评估...
Please refer to theANZSCO Code Descriptionsfordetailed descriptions of course units and employment duties. (4)关于工作经验的分数计算(5. SKILL LEVEL REQUIREMENTMET DATE): https://www.acs.org.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/7319/Skills-Assessment-Guidelines-for-Applicants.pdf (5)关于ICT主修的界定...
ACS Skill assessment ACS技能评估 重点词汇释义 ACSAmerican Chemical Society美国化学学会; automatic control system 自动控制系统; automatic checkout sys
The guidelines mention the eligibility criteria to apply for the skilled evaluation under the program of migration skill assessment. However, you must note that they do not give details about the requirement of visa or migration. Who needs ACS RPL report? ACS RPL applicants can be divided into...
我以为这两年的经验可以去计算skill level requirement met date了,然后在澳洲读个硕士,工作一年就能申请post Australian study assessment了。结果刚刚写邮件问ACS,他们说一年相关工作经验必须是拿到澳大利亚学位之后才算,requirement met date的计算也是。那按照他们的算法,我要工作3年才有1年的相关工作经验。但是毕业...