《美国纳米科学学会》(Acs Nanoscience Au)是一本以材料科学、纳米科学综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由American Chemical Society出版商创刊于2021年,刊期Bimonthly。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦材料科学、纳米科学领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及时刊载和报道该领域的研究成果,致力于成为该领域同行进行...
这种水溶性杂化组分激活了类辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)的金团簇催化作用。 参考文献 Abhijit Nag and Thalappil Pradeep*. Assembling Atomically Precise Noble Metal Nanoclusters Using Supramolecular Interactions.ACS Nanosci. Au2022. DOI:org/10.1021/acsnanoscienceau.1c00046...
The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest ...
Nanoscience has arrived. Biological applications of nanoscience are particularly prominent and can be useful in a range of disciplines. Advances in nanoscience are underpinning breakthroughs in biomedical research and are beginning to be... A Khademhosseini,WJ Parak,PS Weiss - 《Acs Nano》 ...
Acs Nanoscience Au is a leading open access journal dedicated to publishing original, fundamental, and applied research in the fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology. This journal aims to provide a high-quality academic exchange platform for researchers in interdisciplinary fields such as chemistry, ...
《Acs Nanoscience Au》国际简称:ACS Nanosci. Au,是由出版商American Chemical Society出版的一本致力于发布--研究新成果的的专业学术期刊。主要发表刊登有创见的学术论文文章、行业最新科研成果,扼要报道阶段性研究成果和重要研究工作的最新进展,选载对学科发展起指导
Acs Nanoscience Au创刊于2021年,由American Chemical Society出版商出版,收稿方向涵盖材料科学、纳米科学全领域,平均审稿速度 10 Weeks ,影响因子指数4.8,该期刊近期没有被列入国际期刊预警名单,广大学者值得一试。WOS分区(数据版本:2023-2024年最新版) 按JIF指标学科分区 收录子集 分区 排名 百分位 学科:NANOSCIENCE...
这种水溶性杂化组分激活了类辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)的金团簇催化作用。 参考文献 Abhijit Nag and Thalappil Pradeep*. Assembling Atomically Precise Noble Metal Nanoclusters UsingSupramolecular Interactions.ACS Nanosci. Au2022.DOI:org/10.1021/acsnanoscienceau.1c00046...
W thrilled to feature a set of outstanding papers in the first issue of Volume 2 of ACS Nanoscience Au! As was also the case in our first issue (DOI: 10.1021/acsnanoscienceau.1c00051), these papers showcase the breadth of the field. When I read this collection, I was struck by the...