ACS Applied Polymer Materials(5.0) ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering(5.8) ACS Materials Letters(11.4) Energy & Fuels(5.3) Environmental Science & Technology(11.4) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry(6.1) Journal of Natural Products(5.1) 2023年期刊引证报告™表明,美国化学会出版部的期刊仍...
Acs Energy Letters(2023-2024年最新版数据) 按JIF指标学科分区收录子集分区排名百分位 学科:CHEMISTRY, PHYSICALSCIEQ19 / 178 95.2% 学科:ELECTROCHEMISTRYSCIEQ13 / 45 94.4% 学科:ENERGY & FUELSSCIEQ18 / 170 95.6% 学科:MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARYSCIEQ118 / 438 ...
影响因子(2023) 8.348ACS Applied Materials&Interfaces为化学家、工程师、物理学家和生物学家等的跨学科领域提供服务,重点探索如何具体应用开发新材料和研究界面过程。编辑都为AMI创刊以来无论是在发表的文章数量还是这些文章所产生的影响的快速增长而感到骄傲和自豪。 ACS Applied Materials&Interfaces也是真正的国际化期刊...
Impact factor: 19.003 JCR partition:Q1期刊简介ACS Energy Letters 发表的论文报告了能源研究各个方面的新科学进展。下面列出了与能量捕获、转换和存储相关的主题。能源材料、光采集组件 能量转换过程(催化和光催化) 太阳能燃料(氢气生产、二氧化碳减排) 无机、有机和混合光伏 光合作用和生物燃料 燃料电池、蓄电池和超...
ACS Materials Au 27 Cites / Doc. (4 years)Cites / Doc. (3 years)Cites / Doc. (2 years)2021202220230246 Journal Self-citation is defined as the number of citation from a journal citing article to articles published by the same journal....
and renewable/sustainable materials. Submissions to ACS Macro Letters should justify clearly the rapid disclosure of the key elements of the study. The scope of the journal includes high-impact research of broad interest in all areas of polymer science and engineering, including cross-disciplinary res...
Impact factor:6.864 JCR partition:Q1 期刊简介 一旦被接受并总结在每月期刊上,ACS光子学将公开发表研究文章、信件、观点和评论,以涵盖该领域内发表的全部研究范围。 Published as soon as accepted and summarized in monthly issues, ACS Photonics will publish Research Articles, Letters, Perspectives, and Revie...
ACS Publications携手南开大学将于2023年10月10日共同举办Nankai-ACS Organic Letters未来峰会,届时美国化学会有机化学领域旗舰期刊Organic Letters的主编和编辑团队将齐聚南开校园,联合多位杰出学者共同分享并探讨有机化学领域的前沿研究、创造...
期刊名称:《ACS Macro Letters》 | 2014年第9期 48.Continuous Head-to-Tail Depolymerization: An Emerging Concept for Imparting Amplified Responses to Stimuli-Responsive Materials 机译:连续的头到尾解聚:新兴的概念,以促进对刺激敏感材料的放大反应。 作者:Scott T. Phillips;Anthony M. DiLauro 期刊名称:...
The CN bond is a powerful probe of protein structure and dynamics because it absorbs in a region of the infrared spectrum apart from the other vibrations that occur naturally in proteins, and because its infrared absorption line shape is sensitive to specific characteristics of the local environment...