Graphic for manuscript应该是指graphic abstract,即图文并茂的摘要。 眼镜片1 3楼: Originally posted by xux730 at 2013-09-20 15:53:00 Graphic for manuscript应该是指graphic abstract,即图文并茂的摘要。 那么 我在manuscript的最后一页呢?是否还要加上graphic abstract? xux730 4楼: Originally posted by ...
求助大家,ACS 投稿系统 Graphic for Manuscript 上传文件格式,将图片贴到word 不支持该格式,然后上传...
2、File Upload 主要上传Manuscript File、摘要图Abstract Graphic和Support Information(不一定有),Abstract Graphic的文件类型为Graphic for manuscript。其他类型按要求进行选择和上传。较特殊地是,这里不需要Highlights。选择文件之后,点击“Upload Selected Files”,而后点击“Save & Continue”。 图7 文件类型 图8 文件...
Do this for all sections of the manuscript. 3.To insert graphics within the text or as a figure, chart, scheme, or table, create a new line and insert the graphic where desired. If y 10、our graphic is not visible, ensure that the Word Style is “Normal” with an automatic height ...
准备工作如下:1.投稿前期准备。需要准备每一个作者的邮箱以及至少三个推荐的审稿人的邮箱及工作单位。2.用自己的邮箱账号注册一个投稿账号。3.投稿前的格式检查和要求。可以参照作者指南,可以自行查阅。4.投稿时要准备的文件:Cover letter、Graphic for manuscript...
for double-column artwork, 7 in. (17.8 cm)). NOTE: If you are submitting a Table of Contents graphic, please insert the graphic at the end of the file. 4. Ensure that page numbers are present on all pages before submitting your manuscript. 5. Delete these instructions and any sect...
Do this for all sections of the manuscript. 3. To insert graphics within the text or as a figure, chart, scheme, or table, create a new line and insert the graphic where desired. If your graphic is not visible, ensure that the Word Style is “Normal” with an automatic height ad-...
Submit Manuscript登陆 55 注册ACS ID 投稿 Checklist for Submission: - Title - Abstract - Manuscript File (.doc, .pdf) - Supporting Information - Cover Letter - Graphic - Author Names - Preferred Editor Name - Preferred Reviewer’s Name 56 地址: ACS Paragon Plus投稿平台 通过ACS Paragon Plus ...
for E-prints and Reprints | Preparation of Manuscripts | Table of Contents Graphic – Title – Authorship – Abstract – Text – Symbols, Units, and Terminology – Reporting Uncertainty in Results – Chemical Nomenclature – Description of Chemical Samples – Equations – Safety – Acknowledgments ...