另外,如果ACS ES&T Water和 Engineering明年能出IF的话,因为只是partial IF,和主刊估计差得会比较远...
ACS ES&T water是个新刊,同期还出了个ACS ES&T Engineering,两个都是挂ES&T这位“老大哥”牌子推出来的...
ACS ES and T Water The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q...
images/sbd.gif" class="NLM_inline-graphic" alt=""/>TiO2 Microspherefor Water and Wastewater Treatment 来自 ACS 喜欢 0 阅读量: 27 作者: X.,Z.,Li,H.,Liu,L.,F.,Cheng,H.,J.,Tong 摘要: Since the suspended TiO2 powder enjoys free contact with UV irradiation in a photoreactor system...
In this paper, we present freely dissolved pore-water concentrations of HOCs. These data were employed to interpret sediment bioaccumulation and sequestration data in order to arrive at a process based evaluation of EqP. The data analysis suggests that sediment bioaccumulation of compounds up to log...
[论文投稿] Nature Communications期刊2024年版面费总收入超过5亿,近1/3为国人贡献 +12 chiangscn 2025-01-05 13/650 2025-01-12 13:37 by katanew [教师之家] 科研生涯止于45? +9 ypjiang 2025-01-10 11/550 2025-01-12 09:16 by Quakerbird [教师之家] 行政已经把老师当奴隶使 +6 692528226...