ACS Applied Materials & InterfacesCAEIPubMedAJSCIEJCR:Q1中科院2区 发文量60,816 被引量2,586,421 影响因子(2023)8.327 ACS Applied Materials&Interfaces为化学家、工程师、物理学家和生物学家等的跨学科领域提供服务,重点探索如何具体应用开发新材料和研究界面过程。编辑都为AMI创刊以来无论是在发表的文章数量还...
我院肖遥团队在国际权威期刊ACS Applied Material & Interfaces发表学术文章目前锂离子电池由于其高能量密度和优异的循环性能,被广泛的应用在各种电子电器中,但是受锂资源地球储量的限制,亟需寻求新的二次离子电池储存系统。近年来,相比于锂量存...
投稿ACS 的applied material and interfaces 一个多月了昨晚突然发现有一个SEM image放错了, 怎么办呀...
Characterization of size-dependent properties Realization and application of novel nanostructures and nanodevices . 2基本情况 影响因子:12.712 平均审稿速度:1.3个月 录用比:50% 3网友评价 “感觉这个杂志里的论文的质量还不错的,有很多比较有创新意义的文章,只要研究结果很新颖,...
Biomaterial interfaces, biology and health - material-biology interactions, chemical/morphological/structural communication, signaling and biological responses, health risks, toxicology, safety, calcification, corrosion and degradation of biomaterials and devices, prosthetics Manufacturing, technology and tissues in...
Filippo De Angelis’ research expertise is in the development and application of first principles computational methods to the simulation of the structural, electronic and optical properties of metallorganic, inorganic and hybrid materials and molecules and of the related interfaces. His research interests...
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