A dot indicates when the estimate has no sample observations or too few sample observations. In the margin of error files, this value could also indicate that the margin of error is unavailable for a median estimate that has been replaced with a jam value. Zero = "0"A "0" entry in ...
Taking the ACS estimate covariance into account yields larger error margins than those generated with the simulated approach when the number of cen- sus tracts is large and minority percentage is low, and the converse is true when the number of census tracts is small and minority percentage is ...
(,N=12,557,),1 year estimate,28.9%,12.5%,8.6%,3.4%,0,30,60,90,120,150,180,210,240,270,3 3、00,330,360,390,0,5,10,15,20,25,30,Days from Randomization,Mortality,(,%,),心梗,+,大出血,大出血,心梗,30天内非CABG大出血比心梗更增加一年的死亡率28.9%1,GRACE:出血,显著提高,ACS的...
We weighted our findings to estimate nationally representative rates and assess changes from 2001 to 2011. This study is registered with ClinicalT, numberNCFINDINGS:We sampled 175 hospitals (162 participated in the study) and 18,631 acute myocardial infarction admissions, of which 13,815 were ...
The ITR metric is not a real time estimate and may change over time, therefore it is prone to variance and may not always reflect a current estimate. The ITR metric is not an indication or estimate of a fund’s performance or risk. Investors should not rely on this metric when making ...
The ITR metric is not a real time estimate and may change over time, therefore it is prone to variance and may not always reflect a current estimate. The ITR metric is not an indication or estimate of a fund’s performance or risk. Investors should not rely on this metric when making ...
shall have the same meaning as the applicable defined term: "Agreement" and "Master Agreement"; "Customer", "Client", "Company" and "You"; "Program Documentation" and "Documentation"; "Ordering Document", "order", "Order" and "Estimate/Order Form"; "Term" and "Services Period"; "Your...
Where an impairment loss subsequently reverses, the carrying amount of the asset (cash-generating unit) is increased to the revised estimate of its recoverable amount, but so that the increased carrying amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determi...
腹腔压力(intra-abdominalpressure,(IAP)测定与腹腔间隔室综合征(abdominal compartmentsyndromeACS)青岛市市立医院ICU曲彦 概述 1984年,Kron等第一次提出了ACS这一名词,用来描述腹内压力增高后所致的心血管、肺、肾、胃肠及颅脑等多器官系统的功能障碍(而对腹内压和其病理生理学的描述可追溯到十九世纪的...
The ITR metric is not a real time estimate and may change over time, therefore it is prone to variance and may not always reflect a current estimate. The ITR metric is not an indication or estimate of a fund’s performance or risk. Investors should not rely on this metric when making ...