9月4日,全球眼健康专业品牌爱尔康的最新一代老视矫正型人工晶状体AcrySof IQ Vivity® IOL(以下简称“Vivity”),在重庆爱尔眼科医院(总院)首批顺利植入。手术由爱尔眼科重庆特区CEO、重庆爱尔眼科医院(总院)院长陈茂盛教授主刀,如今屈光性白内障手术快速发展,一方面在去除混浊晶状体、提升视力的同时,也在解决眼部近视、...
#AcrySof IQ Vivity®Toric IOL ▲源于公司官网 AcrySof IQ Vivity®Toric IOL是全球首个采用非衍射型波前重塑技术的景深延长型,且带有散光矫正功能的人工晶体,采用了专有的“波前重塑技术(X-WAVE™)”,中心 2.2mm 的光学功能区具有两个光滑的表面...
But the AcrySof IQ Vivity IOL is likely to become the first choice for many cataract surgery patients seeking extended range vision with enhanced visual acuity. If you would like to learn more about the new AcrySof IQ Vivity IOL, we invite you to schedule a personal consultation with ...
2月20日,晋南首台AcrySof IQ Vivity®Toric非衍射型EDoF散光矫正型人工晶体在运城爱尔眼科医院成功植入,本台手术由我院白内障手术专家王志强院长顺利完成。这款晶体也是全国首批投放的新型晶体。接受此次Vivity® Toric人工晶体植入术的患者刘女士,今年45岁。近三年来左眼视力下降,导致双眼视觉不对称,走路和看东...
人工晶状体AcrySof™ IQ Vivity™ Extended Vision Intraocular Lens (IOL),该产品为一件式后房人工晶状体,可折叠,襻形为STABLEFORCE改良型L襻。主体/支撑部分由丙烯酸苯乙烯酯、甲基丙烯酸苯乙烯酯、1,4-丁二醇二丙烯酸酯等聚合而成 ,添加紫外吸收剂和蓝光吸收剂。
AcrySof IQ Vivity®IOL Delivers Excellent Distance, Intermediate and Functional Near Vision3,4 20/20 Binocular Mean Uncorrected Distance Visual Acuity (4 m)* DISTANCE Better Than 20/25 Binocular Mean Uncorrected Intermediate Visual Acuity (66 cm)* ...
AcrySof IQ Vivity Extended Vision IOLs deliver distance, intermediate, & functional near vision for patients after cataract surgery.
Conclusion: The study demonstrated a good distance and intermediate visual acuity post-Vivity IOL implantation, whereas near activities mostly required the use of near-addition glasses, though requiring lesser near-addition power.doi:10.4103/IJO.IJO_1018_23Bhasin, Purendra...
AcrySof™ IQ Vivity™ Extended Vision Intraocular Lens (IOL)产品名称,P930014 S136申请号,pma申请类型,ALCON LABORATORIES, INC.申请人,数据来源于药智数据美国上市器械数据库。
Visual Disturbance Profile: AcrySof IQ Vivity®Had an Optical Halo Comparable to a Monofocal IOL5 Optical Bench Halo Measurements (4.5 mm Pupil Size) AcrySof®IQ Monofocal IOL AcrySof IQ Vivity® IOL Wavefront-Shaping Technology