丙烯酸人工晶状体AcrySof IQ Aspheric Intraocular Lens with the UltraSert Pre-loaded Delivery System 管理类别 第三类 型号规格 AU00T0 结构及组成 该产品为预装式人工晶状体,其中人工晶状体已批准上市(型号:SN60WF),为单件式后房植入,可折叠,襻形为STABLEFORCE 改良型L襻,主体及支撑部分由PEA、PEMA、BDDA、紫外...
人工晶状体AcrySof IQ PanOptix TrifocalIntraocular Lens,该产品为一件式后房人工晶状体,可折叠,襻形为STABLEFORCE改良型L襻。主体/支撑部分由丙烯酸苯乙烯酯、甲基丙烯酸苯乙烯酯、1,4-丁二醇二丙烯酸酯等聚合而成,添加紫外吸收剂和蓝光吸收剂。屈光度范围:+6.0D~+34.
贝登医疗人工晶体(商品名:AcrySof IQ) AcrySof IQ Aspheric Natural Single-Piece Intraocular Lens and AcrySof IQ Aspheric Natural Single-Piece Intraocular Lens Model SN60WS with the AcrySert医疗器械注册证主要信息:注册证编号为国食药监械(进)字2008第3220617号
中国医疗器械审评数据库提供医疗器械的审评信息查询,包括受理号JQJ2200024,以及注册证编号多焦散光型人工晶状体 Acrysof IQ PanOptix Toric Trifocal Intraocular Lens和审评结论等信息查询.更多关于的医疗器械审评信息就在戊戌数据中国医疗器械审评数据库.
AcrySof IQ PanOptix Model TFNT00 (Alcon Laboratories, Fort Worth, TX) is a 1-piece aspheric hydrophobic presbyopia-correcting intraocular lens (IOL) launched in 2015. Unlike traditional trifocal IOLs that usually have an intermediate focal point of 80 cm, the PanOptix IOL is designed to have ...
See How ENLIGHTEN® Optical Technology Works To make it possible to achieve 20/20 near, intermediate and distance vision, the PanOptix® IOL is equipped with a proprietary lens design that allows for the three optimally placed focal points.1PanOptix...
AcrySof IQ PanOptix Model TFNT00 (Alcon Laboratories, Fort Worth, TX) is a 1-piece aspheric hydrophobic presbyopia-correcting intraocular lens (IOL) launched in 2015. Unlike traditional trifocal IOLs that usually have an intermediate focal point of 80 cm, the PanOptix IOL is designed to have...
About the AcrySof® IQ Vivity™IOL The non-diffractive AcrySof® IQ VivityTMExtended Vision Posterior Chamber Intraocular Lens Model DFT015 (referred to as AcrySof® IQ VivityTMIOL) is a UV-absorbi...
AcrySof IQ Vivity Extended Vision IOLs deliver distance, intermediate, & functional near vision for patients after cataract surgery.
论著(临床研究) AcrysofIQRestormultifocaltoric人工晶状体植入白内障 患者的早期临床观察 陈祥菲,陆燕,施宇华,薛春燕,陈银,杨丽萍,黄振平 [摘要] 目的 AcrysofIQRestormultifocaltoric人工晶状体(intraocularlen,IOL)是一种新型IOL,可在一次手术中实现 老视和角膜散光的矫正。文章旨在评价白内障超声乳化联合AcrysofIQRes...