在艺术创作与墙面装饰中,丙烯颜料(acrylics)与丙烯酸树脂涂料(acrylic latex paint)虽然同属丙烯化合物,但它们之间在特性与用途上却有着显著的差异。首先,丙烯酸树脂涂料,也就是我们熟知的乳胶漆,主要应用于家居墙面的装修与装饰。它的光泽度和顺滑度相较于绘画用的丙烯颜料有所不同,更注重的是...
acrylic latex paint翻译成中文就是丙烯酸树脂涂料,也就是国内说的乳胶漆涂料 它和绘画用的丙烯颜料其实...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To obtain an acrylic polymer latex which contains acetoacetate moiety-derived units in an amt. effective for improving the water resistance of a coating compsn.RAJIIBU FUAAWAAHAラジーブ ファーワーハRIEN FUANリエン ファン...
沪江词库精选styrene-acrylic interior wall matt latex paint是什么意思、英语单词推荐 苯丙内墙无光乳胶漆 相似短语 styrene acrylic interior wall matt latex paint 苯丙内墙无光乳胶漆 styrene acrylic interior latex paint 苯丙内墙乳胶漆 styrene acrylic matt latex paint 苯丙无光乳胶漆 styrene acrylic ...
Molecular Formula: acrylic latex paint (II) -Names and Identifiers Nameacrylic latex paint (II) Synonymsacrylic latex paint (II) useused for coating metal surfaces, cement surfaces and other substrates. Last Update:2024-04-09 20:02:46
Acrylic latex paint for exterior wallRequest For QuotationAcrylic latex paint for exterior wall Basic information More.. Product Name: Acrylic latex paint for exterior wall Synonyms: Acrylic latex paint for exterior wall CAS: MF: MW: 0 EINECS: Mol File: Mol File Information Error Report ...
High Quality Washable Latex Acrylic Polymer Gold Wall Paint, Find Details and Price about Interior Emulsion Paint Smooth Feeling Paint from High Quality Washable Latex Acrylic Polymer Gold Wall Paint - Guangdong Maydos Building Materials Limited Company
Acrylic latex plastic paint color for living room wall Product Description Features:1. High performance but low price 2. Strong hiding power 3. Easy application 4. Good leveling property Advantages:1.Wide coverage: High spread rate which will save paint consumption.2.Good...
Acrylic latex paint for interior wall CAS NO: 暂无数据 分子量: 暂无数据 EC NO: 暂无数据 规格: 暂无数据 包装: 暂无数据 结构式: 暂无数据 立即询盘0572-3951335 3953076 产品介绍 暂无产品详细介绍 品名:内墙乳胶漆 用途:暂无数据 别名丙烯酸内墙乳胶漆...
化学名:acrylic copolymer latex paint 英語化学名:acrylic copolymer latex paint 别名:acrylic copolymer latex paint CAS番号: 分子式: 分子量:0 EINECS: Mol File:Mol File Browse by Nationality acrylic copolymer latex paint SuppliersGlobal suppliers