How a change in your environment can greatly influence the style and subject of your paintings, with a step-by-step watercolour marker garden sketch Townscape Painting Tutorials Urban scenes can be a brilliant subject to practice your drawing and compositional skills, these videos focus on looking ...
Learn how Da Vinci used science to create depth in his paintings How to Mix Colour Strings How to use Classical techniques to speed up your painting How to Paint a Simple Snowscene with Acrylics In this two-part tutorial, learn how to paint a muted snow scene with a limited palette Monet...
River of Stone WESTCOAST FOREST BC is rich with incredible landscapes and rich environments. HIGH ENERGY ART Firefighters, Emergency Scenes, High Intensity Action Paintings GARDEN SCENES Love to paint unique garden scenes, old potting tables and barrels of rain water. ...
River of Stone WESTCOAST FOREST BC is rich with incredible landscapes and rich environments. HIGH ENERGY ART Firefighters, Emergency Scenes, High Intensity Action Paintings GARDEN SCENES Love to paint unique garden scenes, old potting tables and barrels of rain water. ...
It was an honor to have been the juror of such a beautiful exhibition. It was a difficult task selecting the paintings for an award! First Place: “Stephanie, The Lady of Steam”, 24×36, Oil, by Lee Alban. The amount of incredible detail is stunning to me. After I enjoyed looking ...
Liquid Mediums, such as Acrylic Glazing liquid gloss are great for increasing the working time of Acrylics and make blending that little bit easier.Video demonstrating Acrylic Glazing Medium & Acrylic Retarder Want to learn more about how to use gels in your acrylic paintings?