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Xin then led his men safely back across the border and had Zhang Anguo decapitated by the emperor. By oankomst ferklearre dy him tsjin Spanje en liet himsels ta keizer kroanen. WikiMatrix After the fire Hammerfest received donations and humanitarian assistance from across the world, with...
You get across the border, they're yours. إذا قمت بعبور الحدود ، فهي ملكٌ لك. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 We need to focus on what we're doing right now, and that's getting across this pass. ، يجب ...
Literature Every night, thousands of these parasites... stream across the border like some fucking piñata exploded opensubtitles2 Gilgit fans stream across to hail their heroes. QED 装载更多 可用翻译 希腊文 s Literature OpenSubtitles2018.v3 MIZAN WikiMatrix QED opensubtitles2 Glosbe...
A minute later the caravan wasdriving acrossthe border into Romania. Literature You can just walk across the border, ordrive acrossand...”“All right! Literature Want todrive acrossit? opensubtitles2 It's better for two sixteen-year-olds todrive acrossthe country than go to school?
These ain’t pirates, sir, but soldiers come across the border to do mischief.” Dit zijn geen piraten, maar soldaten van over de grens die rotzooi komen trappen.' Literature I'll go to New Guinea and I'll come across a rare orchid that no one's ever named. Ik ga naar Nie...
将“passage across"翻译成匈牙利文 átszelés是将“passage across"翻译成 匈牙利文。 译文示例:The North will allow safe passage across the border ↔ Az északiak egy biztonságos folyosót nyitottak a határon. passage across + 加 英文- 匈牙利文 词典中的“passage across" átszelés noun ...
Going across the border is the fastest way to Balhae. Prečkati mejo je najhitrejša pot do Balhae. QED I'll go across the street and have some beers and work out the logistics. Šel bom čez cesto na pivo in uredil logistiko. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Don' t make me ...
In 2006, inspired by the film Step Across the Border on the English guitarist Fred Frith and pushed by its desire to record music in a more creative way, Vincent Moon created with Christophe 'Chryde' Abric the 'Concert à Emporter / Take Away Shows' project, La Blogotheque's popular video...
Schengen rules require that all carriers conveying passenger across the Schengen external border must check, before boarding, that passengers have the correct travel documents and visas required for entry. WikiMatrix Almost at the same time, a little before daylight, intelligence was given to the ...