There are 99 synonyms available. These are cognitive relationship words which is to say they have a similar meaning, mean the same thing, or have close definition and relationship to across. SynonymDefinition Abdominal External Oblique Muscle ...
2. communicate the intended meaning or impression e.g. He came across very clearly Synonym: come over 3. come together e.g. I'll probably see you at the meeting How nice to see you again! Synonym: meetrun intoencounterrun acrosssee ...
Medical Idioms Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> strike a chord resonate be received o... intercommunic... communicate come over communicate t... meet see run into run across meet come together ...
4. Newlyweds at the packed marriage registration offices across the city declared their hope to get lucky by marrying on a day with special meaning. 5. Sleep deprivation is so widespread among children across China, one professor is urging government to introduce formal regulations to ensure youngs...
B When you come across a new word in your reading, before looking it up in a dictionary, very often you can guess its meaning from its context. There are often certain words in a sentence or paragraph that can help you decide the meaning of an unfamiliar word.Synonym clues ()Synonyms ...
167.根据"When you come across a new word in your reading,before looking it up in a dictionary,very often you can guess its meaning from its context (words or sentences around the new word)."可知,人们在阅读时不必查阅所有的生词。故填No./No,they don't.168.根据"Synonym clues"和"Antonym ...
vcome together vcommunicate the intended meaning or impression vbe received or understood Synonym(s) fall upon strike come upon light upon chance upon chance on happen upon attain discover meet run into encounter run across see come over
In fact, the letter sent by the students is incorrect, in that the Chinese term is not a “a clear synonym with this derogatory N-Word term, ” in fact not a synonym at all, i.e. a word with the equivalent meaning. It is at most a homonym (words sounding alike), but that is ...
一种是利用同义词线索来猜测,另一种是利用反义词线索来猜测。答案示例:1.No, theydon't.2.Two.3.Synonymarewordsthataresimilartootherwords.4.Becausetheword "while" showsustheantonym "unwisely".5.Thepassageismainlyabouthowtoguess a newword'smeaningfromitscontext. 反馈 收藏 ...
put across 英英释义 verb 1. transmit information e.g. Please communicate this message to all employees pass along the good news Synonym: communicatepass onpasspass along