More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See All More Words with Remarkable Origins 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments Birds Say the Darndest Things 10 Scrabble Words Without Any Vowels 12 More Bird Names that Sound Like Insults (and Sometimes Are) ...
(anging).The distinguishing feature of an acronym is that it is pronounced as if it were a single word, in the manner ofNATOandNASA.Acronyms are often distinguished from initialisms likeFBIandNIH,whose individual letters are pronounced as separate syllables. While observing this distinction has ...
If you have to use an acronym, also spell out the term for clarity Don't introduce acronyms that are used just once Mostra altri 4 Acronyms and abbreviations can have an adverse effect on clarity, voice, and findability. Although some acronyms are widely understood and preferred to the spell...
By comparison, an initialism is formed by using the first letters of words to form a phrase that is pronounced one letter at a time. Some common examples are FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). Now that you have this initial understanding, you can pr...
SCUBAandLASERareacronymsthathavebecomeverycommon.SCUBA 和 LASER 是非常常见的缩写词。SCUBA, Self-ContainedUnderwaterBreathingApparatus.SCUBA,自给式水下呼吸器。LASER, LightAmplificationbyStimulatedEmissionofRadiation.激光,受激辐射光放大。YoualsomentionedtheDJ.你还提到了 DJ。Thatisaninitialismfordiscjockey, ...
are a special kind of abbreviation, such as “ROFL” (rolling on the floor laughing) and “OPEC” (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), that can be pronounced as words. This makes them a subset of abbreviations. All acronyms are abbreviations, but not all abbreviations are acronyms....
MILF is an acronym that stands for Mom I’d Like to Fuck, which is often said by teenage boys about their friends’ attractive mothers or just about women in general who are considered of middle age. MILF is also an extremely popular porn genre—the most searched-for type of porn on Po...
More aviation acronyms are in the airlines acronyms list. ALO A Learning Opportunity. Generally something you'd rather not do that someone else has decided will be 'good for you'... (Ack. JC) AMAT All Mouth And Trousers. Acronym version of an old English expression. See also BHNC. AO...
Developers are also looking to CaaP to make computing more accessible to users of all abilities. Learn how to connect a USB device to your Microsoft Surface.Don't introduce acronyms that are used just onceIf an acronym will appear only once in your content, just spell out the term. Don't...
Acronyms are abbreviations made up of the first letters of several words. They replace longer terms with simpler ones. In the English language, the widespread use of acronyms and initialisms is a relatively new linguistic phenomenon. As literacy rose, and关键词: acronyms, initialisms, business, En...