Use a or an, depending on pronunciationWhich article (a or an) you use depends on whether you pronounce the acronym like a word or pronounce each letter.Examples a DLL an ISP a URL a SQL databaseAdd s to make an acronym pluralForm the plural of an acronym like you would any other ...
Define Acronyms. Acronyms synonyms, Acronyms pronunciation, Acronyms translation, English dictionary definition of Acronyms. n. 1. A word formed by combining the initial letters of a multipart name, such as NATO from N orth A tlantic T reaty O rganizatio
Acronyms are used more and more nowadays: this article describes their pronunciation in French and in Italian. Rules are proposed, so that a text-to-speech converter may know whether it must spell or read acronyms, and which way. Our analysis, which gave rise to a computational realisation, ...
Use a or an, depending on pronunciationWhich article (a or an) you use depends on whether you pronounce the acronym like a word or pronounce each letter.Examples a DLL an ISP a URL a SQL databaseAdd s to make an acronym pluralForm the plural of an acronym like you would any other ...
逾期作废这个词汇在汉语中的读音为yú qī zuò fèi。 逾期作废指的是一个毫无法律效力的表现,一般发生在一方未能在约好的期限内履行合同条款的情况下。当一方逾期未能履行合同义务时,另一方有权利选择继续履行合同、解除合同或请求赔偿损失。而逾期作废则是指另一方选择解除合同并且追求赔偿的表现,将已经逾期未履行的...
Use a or an, depending on pronunciationWhich article (a or an) you use depends on whether you pronounce the acronym like a word or pronounce each letter.Examples a DLL an ISP a URL a SQL databaseAdd s to make an acronym pluralForm the plural of an acronym like you would any other ...
Use a or an, depending on pronunciationWhich article (a or an) you use depends on whether you pronounce the acronym like a word or pronounce each letter.Examples a DLL an ISP a URL a SQL databaseAdd s to make an acronym pluralForm the plural of an acronym like you would any other ...
There is a difference betweenacronymsandabbreviations. Acronymsare made from initial letters of words and are pronounced differently than the original words, for example, ESL, ELT, IELTS, TOEFL, AILA. Abbreviationsare shortened versions of words. They can be written differently from the original form...
In sum, acronyms have been an integral part of experimental manipulations in a number of studies of word recognition and reading (Gibson et al.,1964; Henderson,1974). The main reason for the use of acronyms has been their unusual combination of meaning and pronunciation, especially because the...
Historical perspective: "Bae" comes from the African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) pronunciation of "babe." For the largest list of Internet acronyms and text message jargon, click on "more info" below! See also : BAESBO B4U UDM FAV abbreviation NetLingo Classification: Acronyms and Te...