Haley鈥檚 test EDITSAcronyms2AA/AFCLICArmy/Air Force Center for Low Intensity ConflictA/CArea CodeA/DACGArrival/Departure Airfield Control GroupA/LAdministrative/logisticA1CAirman, First Class (USAF)A2C2Army AirspaceCommand and ControlAAAttack AssessmentAAAbbreviated AnalysisAAAchieved AvailabilityAAAArmy...
Acronym Finder is the largest and most trusted database of over 4 million acronyms and abbreviations. What does an abbreviation stands for? The answer is here
AIA Aeronautical Industry Association AIS Automated Information System ALT Alteration Instruction AMSDL Acquisition Management Systems and Data Requirements Control List ANSI American National Standards Institute AR [U.S.] Army Regulation ARDEC [U.S. Army] Armament Research, Development and Engineering Cente...
liberty list— list containing the names of Marines entitled to liberty and those employed by the guard during the liberty period (and thus not entitled to leave post).lifer— career servicemember, as opposed to one who serves for a single enlistment....
MMEL – Master Minimum Equipment List MEP – Multi Engine Piston MET – Meteorological METAR – Meteorological Aerodrome Report MFRA – Minimum Flap Retraction Altitude MLM – Maximum Landing Mass MLS – Microwave Landing System MLW – Maximum Landing Weight MM – Middle Marker MMO – Maximum Mach...
SML Support Material List stat Statute SMS Stores Management Set or Status STBY Standby Monitoring (sub-) System STC Sensitivity Time Control or Short Time S/N or SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio Constant or SHAPE Technical Center SNORT Supersonic Naval Ordnance Research STD Software Test Descript...
2LT Vincent Littrell (USAF) and SFC Mark McCurry (USA) helped ensure that the list contains as few errors as possible, and the editor extends his thanks for that dedicated assistance. All users are invited to submit additions and corrections. To promote the usefulness of the list, older or...
Below is the list as to how each letter is said as recognized by the ICAO. Letter followed by the ICAO identifier name. A= Alpha B= Bravo C= Charlie D= Delta E= Echo F= Foxtrot G= Golf H= Hotel I= India J= Juliet K= Kilo L= Lima M= Mike N= November O= Oscar P= Pa...