However, there has been an associated rise in Instagram slang which some parents are struggling to decipher, including terms likeInstagram addiction. So, we have compiled a list of commonly used words, phrases, acronyms and hashtags. Why do teens use slang on Instagram? There are several reasons...
Top Slang Terms - Trending Slang, Words and Acronyms. Internet Slang. A list of common slang words, acronyms and abbreviations as used in websites, ICQ chat rooms, blogs, SMS, and internet forums.
Examples:ALA,ANWB,BBB,IEEE,MoMA,NEA,UCLA,UN,WTO Slang & Pop Culture Slang, chat, instant messaging, newsgroups, sports, people, pop culture, etc. (over 41,000 definitions) Examples:AFAIK,BRB,IIRC,IMHO,JFK,LOL,MVP,RBI,ROFL
Check out our politically incorrect companion page on microwave slang! Here's a page on Greek letter usage in microwave engineering. Note to users: these acronyms are ones that we see commonly used in microwave engineering, including integrated circuit processing. We don't want this list to beco...
• Recent list which helps you to easily review looked-up words. • Swipe-to-delete functionality in the Recent and Favorites menus. • Word-of-the-day option to teach you a new word every day. Medical abbreviations Premium – our trusted and up-to-date comprehensive abbreviations that...
It’s an acronym used in texting, online chat, instant messaging, email, blogs, newsgroups, social media postings and in the real world, it is also known as text message shorthand, chat acronyms, cyberslang and leetspeak. For the largest list of Internet acronyms and text message jargon,...
Also known as text message shorthand, chat acronyms, cyberslang and leetspeak, tracks all the new online lingo. For the largest list of Internet acronyms and text message jargon, click on "more info" below!See also : acronym BFBO FAP PML POETS NetLingo Classification: Acronyms...
This acronyms list contains acronyms and abbreviations, and 'backronyms' (acronyms constructed restrospectively to fit a word), with origins in the armed forces, healthcare, IT and various other business and training fields, including funny lifestyle and social acronyms and abbreviations. The ...
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For the largest list of Internet acronyms and text message jargon, click on "more info" below! See also : nerd Unix cyberslang geek-speak SMS NetLingo Classification: Acronyms and Text Message NetLingo List of Internet Acronyms & Text Message Jargon Newest NetLingo Terms NetLingo Blog: In ...