tomakeyourfirstfewweekseasierbelowaresomeofthecommon acronymsthatweuseatInterContinentalHotelsGroup.Wehavelisted thesealphabeticallyaswellasundereachfunctiontomakethisdocumentaseasyaspossibletouse. Wereallyonlyhaveonerulewhenusingacronyms.Thisisthatforallexternalcorrespondenceacronymsarenot usedandweneverabbreviate our...
Holidex Plus being rolled out globally replac ing Holidex and Global II CSS Cen tral Shared Services CTP Contribution to Profit The hotel s contribution to IHG s Piftal of r— anagement and incen tive fees). ECS Electro nic Commissi on Services. The group that m an ages our outsourc ...
Tonic-Clpnic Traceability Code Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA Trellis Coded Technology, Military, Coding Tuple Classiqication Thomas Clayton Tech Communications Timely Cynle Technology, Electronics, Engineering Turbo Charge Terrain Corrected The Conflici Trap Columns Trepic of Cancer The Credit To Complet...