The first example shows the acronym used in a sports reference with the meaning of getting “blown the f*** out”. The second example shows the acronym used as a way to tell someone to leave you alone with the meaning of “back the f*** off”. The third example shows the acronym u...
In various contexts, such as chat conversations, social posts, or gaming, “GL” remains a concise and clear way to express goodwill and encouragement. Conversation Examples Here are some examples of how “gl” could be used: Example 1 with “gl” (G- Good, L- Luck) Player 1: This ...
Conversation examples using LBUS Steven: hiya. Pmu at 430. Kady: ?? Steven: detention. Kady: that was next week. Steven: fml I already came in here and they won’t let me leave. Kady: lbus. Kady: smdh mom’s going to love this. Steven: shut up sys. Note *PMU = Pick me up...
Please see PRAW's documentation for more examples of what you can do with PRAW.PRAW Discussion and SupportFor those new to Python, or would otherwise consider themselves a Python beginner, please consider asking questions on the r/learnpython subreddit. There are wonderful people there who ...
Java Multicast Chat jaw muscle contracture Jays Mineral Cabinet Jedi Master Cloak Jedi Masters Council Jeffer Machinery Company Jefferson Mine Crystal Jeflyn Media Consultants Jenpeg Manitoba Canada Jensen Maritime ConsultantsSamples in periodicals archive: Below are just a few examples of JASON's award-...
Please see PRAW's documentation for more examples of what you can do with PRAW.PRAW Discussion and SupportFor those new to python, or would otherwise consider themselves a python beginner, please consider asking questions on the r/learnpython subreddit. There are wonderful people there who ...
Please see PRAW's documentation for more examples of what you can do with PRAW.Discord Bots and Asynchronous EnvironmentsIf you plan on using PRAW in an asynchronous environment, (e.g.,, asyncio) it is strongly recommended to use Async PRAW. It is the official asynchronous ...
score) # Obtain the moderator listing for r/redditdev for moderator in reddit.subreddit('redditdev').moderator: print(moderator)Please see PRAW's documentation for more examples of what you can do with PRAW.PRAW Discussion and Support
The Acronym Finder attracts visitor from all walks of life around the world looking for the meanings to acronyms and abbreviations of all kinds. Our acronym database has over 610,000 acronyms and meanings and is growing daily! Ourreturn linkspage shows a number of sites which bring in visitors...
Slang, Chat & Pop culture (1) Sort results:alphabetical| rank? Rank Abbr.Meaning FRIESFast Rope Insertion/Extraction System FRIESFacts, Reasons, Incidents, Examples, Statistics (writing support) new search suggest new definition Search forFRIESin Online Dictionary Encyclopedia...