Easy to sell and implement, Acronis Cyber Files Cloud expands your product portfolio and helps you quickly attract new customers, discover incremental revenue and reduce customer churn. Learn more Acronis Cyber Infrastructure Meet modern IT demands with Acronis Cyber Infrastructure - a multi-tenant, ...
Paired with our software-defined Acronis Cyber Infrastructure for unparalleled flexibility and reliability with commodity hardware. Our solution unites file, block, and object-based storage in a single, scale-out offsite storage solution to cover all use cases and scenarios. ...
网络攻击手法日新月异,企业必须从事前的预防。安克诺斯指定代理商湛扬云科技推出Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud的高端备份,通过连续资料保护等云计算备份增强功能,有效让资料及所有备份文件远离勒索软件攻击,提供近乎为零的RPO和停机时间,防范重要资料遗失时也节省时间,高效保护企业宝贵资料。Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud...
acronis cyber files mobile app and data. files are stored in the location of your choosing and not in cloud storage. management full logging, tracking and history of operations. over-the-air configuration of features and policies. simplified account creation through ldap provisioning. infrastructure ...
acronis cyber files mobile app and data. files are stored in the location of your choosing and not in cloud storage. management full logging, tracking and history of operations. over-the-air configuration of features and policies. simplified account creation through ldap provisioning. infrastructure ...
acronis cyber files mobile app and data. files are stored in the location of your choosing and not in cloud storage. management full logging, tracking and history of operations. over-the-air configuration of features and policies. simplified account creation through ldap provisioning. infrastructure ...
湛扬云科技全新代理推出的Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud,利用随取服务的公有云服务,为企业构建灾难备援云服务机制,当意外事件中断运营时可在极短时间内恢复正常连接,并恢复重要资料安全可用,更有别于以往创建异地备援机制的昂贵成本,以即用即付的月租方式,让企业轻松定期演练灾难备援作业,为企业巩固运营安全,...
Acronis Cyber Files 可让 iPad 和 iPhone 用户执行以下操作: • 查找并预览 Files Cloud 或公司服务器中的文件:文件、SharePoint 和 NAS • 创建并编辑 Microsoft Office 文档和文本文件 • 为 PDF 文件添加注释 • 按照名称或内容搜索文件 • 在移动设备本地存储文件和文件夹,以便随时随地访问 ...
Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud Natively integrated cybersecurity, data protection, and endpoint management for MSPs Now with Security + XDR Get 1:1 demoTry now How is onboarding new clients going? With so many tools, it’s a chore to bring in a new Microsoft 365 client. But not for much lo...
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