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Acrobat Pro すべての変換・編集機能、高度な保護、強力な電子サイン機能を備えた包括的なPDFソリューションの決定版です。 1,980 円/月税込 ご購入後14日以内に年間サブスクリプションをキャンセルすると全額返金されます(Windows版/Mac版)。
Adobe Acrobat Standard lets you simplify everyday tasks with the trusted PDF writer solution. Use Acrobat Standard to create, edit, sign and track your PDF files.
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Acrobat Pro DC Acrobat Standard DC Adobe Audition Adobe Premiere Pro After Effects for teams Animate / Flash Professional Creative Cloud Dreamweaver Illustrator InCopy InDesign Photoshop Symantec + Rose + Dell + 联想 + 深信服 + Citrix + 亚信 + Acrobat...
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Acrobat system requirements Make Acrobat your default PDF program Troubleshoot download and install issues Download Acrobat trial Legal Notices|Online Privacy Policy Share this page Link copied Was this page helpful? Yes, thanksNot really Change region ...
輸入序號安裝,安裝好會是 Adobe Acrobat DC Pro/Standard (Perpetual) – 永久版本