Acrobat Reader installs McAfee WITHOUT my permission (no boxes to untick) Jun 09, 2022 Copy link to clipboard Acrobat Reader installer automatically downloads installs McAfee and McAfee Safe Connect garbage. There are NO BOXES that I could untick in the ins...
That page ( *DOES NOT* have options for downloading without the embedded McAfee bull$h*t. Also, it's the same when you go to - your screenshot is outdated and not current. Here is what it...
本文件可協助您解決造成 Adobe Acrobat 與 Adobe Reader 安裝程式中斷的問題。這些問題可能會以多種方式顯現,包括 (但不限於) 凍結的游標、凍結的畫面或錯誤。 附註:除另有指明,此文件中的所有解決方案適用於 Acrobat 和 Adobe Reader。 多項不同因素均可能會中斷應用程式的安裝,包括自動播放功能、Windows 登錄中...
本文件可協助您解決造成 Adobe Acrobat 與 Adobe Reader 安裝程式中斷的問題。這些問題可能會以多種方式顯現,包括 (但不限於) 凍結的游標、凍結的畫面或錯誤。 附註:除另有指明,此文件中的所有解決方案適用於 Acrobat 和 Adobe Reader。 多項不同因素均可能會中斷應用程式的安裝,包括自動播放功能、Windows 登錄中...
Download free Adobe Acrobat Reader software for your Windows, Mac OS and Android devices to view, print, and comment on PDF documents.
Download free Adobe Acrobat Reader software for your Windows, Mac OS and Android devices to view, print and comment on PDF documents.
这种情况分为两种,第一种是针对包含漏洞的 Adobe Acrobat Reader 这类,第二种则是针对不含漏洞的,那就得用户手动交互。 针对包含漏洞的 Adobe Acrobat 攻击者一般会精心制作包含恶意代码的 PDF 文档,然后通过电子邮件或其他渠道进行分发,在过时且未安装补丁的 Adobe Acrobat 上,PDF 直接使用 MSHTA 执行嵌入的JavaScr...
2.将PDF转换为HTML网页:将PDF文件转换为单个或多个网页,包括用于快速重新设置格式的可编辑样式元素。 3.导出PDF选项:将选定的部分文件导出为Microsoft PowerPoint格式(Acrobat Pro)、word、Excel 或 HTML。 Adobe Acrobat DC with Adobe Document Cloud services is here. Completely reimagined PDF tools let you crea...
Uninstalls require closing Acrobat and Reader. While you can install a patch in /qn (silent) mode without closing the application, users will be required to reboot. The Windows Installer may also invoke a Files In Use dialog when the installer tries to replace or uninstall certain modules. ...
4. McAfee gets tacked on. I already have my antivirus solution worked out, and I don't appreciate additional software being installed on my computer without asking for it. Please bring back a standard, non DC (aka no cloud stuff) Adobe Reader. I tried downloading older versions...