App: Acrobat 9 Pro Extended (makes 3d acrobat files). My hard drive started failing so I cloned it to a new hard drive. After starting up I had to fix all the licenses on all my software. Every other program worked but Acrobat. It keeps giving me a 'license error'...
Solved: I have acrobat 9 pro and am now getting a license error saying the license has stopped working and it needs to be reinstalled It was purchased by - 7984659
Best Price Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro windows software. Adobe Acrobat one-time purchase price 39 US$ with lifetime license. Buy it now and you will receive by email within 24 hours the software download link and activation code. Fast to install and easy to use. No monthly or yearly subscriptions...
使用适用于Windows®和MacOS·的Adobe®Acrobat®9Pro Ifthisguideisdistributedwithsoftwarethatincludesanenduseragreement,thisguide,aswellasthesoftwaredescribedinit,isfurnishedunderlicense andmaybeusedorcopiedonlyinaccordancewiththetermsofsuchlicense.Exceptaspermittedbyanysuchlicense,nopartofthisguidemaybereproduced...
其实很多时候我们用web版就够了,不用激活成功教程,不要license,很方便, web版链接: 密码...比如我安装在了E盘, 全选 安装中 3.激活成功教程软件①激活成功教程Quartus_II_13.1(这一步要把Quartus_II_13.1关了,否则会提示找不到sys_cpt.dll...Quartus...
Compare Adobe Acrobat Pro plans to find the one that works best for your professional and personal needs. The right features and price are available for you.
12、兴趣的话还可以对光盘中的Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro文件夹中的Abcpy.ini文件中“ISX_SERIALNUMBER= 后添加序列号,以及“USERNAME=后添加用户名称,以及“COMPANYNAME=后添加公司名称。并且 你还可以对光盘中的"Autoplay"文件夹下的“Langdata-“zn-ch"中的lang.dat文件和legal文件夹下的license.html进展修改; 以及...
legal文件夹下的license.html进行修改;以及对光盘中的ReadMeCS.htm文件进行修改。 13、当然Acrobat 9 Pro Extended也是如法炮制,但910补丁要换成AcroProExUpd910_all_incr.msp。 14、Pro Extended路径和MSI文件名稍有不同,按下面改就是: “Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro\AcroPro.msi” 改 "Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extend...
并且你还可以对光盘中的"Autoplay"文件夹下的“Langdata”-“zn-ch"中的lang.dat文件和legal文件夹下的license.html进行修改;以及对光盘中的ReadMeCS.htm文件进行修改。 13、当然Acrobat 9 Pro Extended也是如法炮制,但910补丁要换成AcroProExUpd910_all_incr.msp。 14、Pro Extended路径和MSI文件名稍有不同,...
并且你还可以对光盘中的"Autoplay"文件夹下的“Langdata”-“zn-ch"中的 lang.dat文件和legal文件夹下的license.html进行修改; 以及对光盘中的ReadMeCS.htm文件进行修改。 13、当然Acrobat 9 Pro Extended也是如法炮制,但910补丁要换成AcroProExUpd910_all_incr.msp。 14、Pro Extended路径和MSI文件名稍有不...