操作界限由具备资格的医学物理师或 MR 专家确定,系统的低对比 探测能力(low-contrast detectability,LCD)和中心频率基础值 建立于每日 QC 程序的初始化阶段。当硬件发生变化或设备进行维护 如更改信号采集和激励方式等,操作界限就必须重新进行评估。 具有 ACR MR 成像授权软件包里,提供了有关扫描 ACR MR 成像体 模...
操作界限由具备资格的医学物理师或MR专家确定,系统的低对比探测能力(lowcontrast detectabili 40、ty,LCD)和中心频率基础值建立于每日QC程序的初始化阶段。当硬件发生变化或设备进行维护如更改信号采集和激励方式等,操作界限就必须重新进行评估。具有ACR MR成像授权软件包里,提供了有关扫描ACR MR成像体模的信息。下列...
2018ACR适宜性标准_儿童血尿.pdf,APPROPRIATE USE CRITERIA ACR Appropriateness Criteria Hematuria-Child a b Expert Panel on Pediatric Imaging: Jonathan R. Dillman, MD, MSc , Cynthia K. Rigsby, MD , Ramesh S. Iyer, MDc d e f , Adina L. Alazraki, MD , Sudha A
contrast May Be Appropriate B CT abdomen and pelvis without and with IV contrast May Be Appropriate ☢☢☢☢ FDG-PET/CT skull base to mid-thigh Usually Not Appropriate ☢☢☢☢ In-111 WBC scan abdomen and pelvis Usually Not Appropriate ☢☢☢☢ Tc-99m WBC scan abdomen ...
2016+ACR适宜性标准:乳腺癌筛查 ORIGINAL ARTICLE ACR Appropriateness Criteria Breast Cancer Screening Martha B.Mainiero,MD a,Ana Lourenco,MD a,Mary C.Mahoney,MD b,Mary S.Newell,MD c, Lisa Bailey,MD d,e,Lora D.Barke,DO f,Carl D’Orsi,MD c,Jennifer A.Harvey,MD g,Mary K.Hayes,MD h,...
women. With this guideline, we offer recommendations more inclusive of all women of average risk for breast cancer. MAMMOGRAPHY SCREENING Mammography remains the principal modality of early detection for women of average risk. Early detection allows ...
In contrast, the BPP is predominantly an assessment of immediate fetal well-being. This test, principally focused on fetal movement, provides a current state of fetal well-being and is predictive of fetal well-being over the next week of gestation. The test also incorporates a longer-term ...
Contrast venography remains the best reference-standard diagnostic test for suspected upper-extremity acute venous thrombosis and may be needed whenever other noninvasive strategies fail to adequately image the upper-extremity veins. Duplex, color flow, and compression ultrasound have also established a ...
Second, for thyroid nodules suspected of malignancy, contrast-enhanced ultrasonography was performed to further evaluate the nature of the nod- ules. For nodules that were benign or highly likely to be benign after contrast-enhanced examination, it was sug- gested that the patients follow up for...
Guideline 1.4 Distinguishable Make it easier for users to see and hear content including separating foreground from background. Criteria Conformance Level Remarks and Explanations 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) (Level AA) Also applies to: EN 301 549 Criteria 9.2.12 (Web) 10.2.12 (non-web document...