This ACR Appropriateness Criteria topic describes clinical scenarios of acute respiratory illness in immunocompromised patients with cough, dyspnea, chest pain, and fever, in those with negative, equivocal, or nonspecific findings on chest radiography, in those with multiple, diffuse, or confluent ...
ACR Appropriateness Criteria acute respiratory illness in immunocompetent patients. Acute respiratory illness is defined as one or more of the following: cough, sputum production, chest pain, or dyspnea (with or without fever). The workup ......
Appropriate Use CriteriaAppropriateness CriteriaImmunocompromised patientMedical imagingThe immunocompromised patient with an acute respiratory illness (ARI) may present with fever, chills, weight loss, cough, shortness of breath, or chest pain. The number of immunocompromised patients continues to rise with...
Appropriateness CriteriaAppropriate Use CriteriaAUCCTFeverImagingThe range of pathology in adults that can produce abdominal pain is broad and necessitates an imaging approach to evaluate many different organ systems. Although localizing pain prompts directed imaging/management, clinical presentations may vary...
Appropriateness CriteriaAppropriate Use CriteriaAUCChest radiographyCTImmunocompetentPneumoniaRespiratory infectionAcute respiratory illness, defined as cough, sputum production, chest pain, and/or dyspnea (with or without fever), is a major public health issue, accounting for millions of doctor office and ...