payment or insurance decisions, and drug formularies or other third-party analyses that cite ACR guidelines should state this. These recommendations cannot adequately convey all uncertainties and nuances of patient care. The American College of Rheumatology is an independent, professional medical, and sc...
本次2022年ACR年会上,美国华盛顿特区国家儿童医院风湿科主任Sangeeta Sule教授以“2021 ACR/VF Kawasaki Disease Guidelines”为题,分享ACR与VF共同制定的2021年版川崎病(KD)指南1, Karen James博士以“Clinical Scenarios: Practical application of the 2021 American College of Rheumatology/ Vasculitis Foundation Kawasak...
本次2022年ACR年会上,美国华盛顿特区国家儿童医院风湿科主 任Sangeeta Sule教授以02021 ACR/VF Kawasaki Disease GUidelineS〃为题,分享ACR与VF共同制定的2021年版川崎盛KD)指南1,Karen James博士以nCIinicaI Scenarios: Practical application of the 2021 American College of Rheumatology/ Vasculitis Foundation Kawasaki...
目的在美国风湿病学会(ACR)和欧洲风湿病学会(EULAR)的共同支持下,制定新的具有高特异性的抗磷脂综合征(APS)分类标准,用于观察性研究和临床试验。 方法这项国际多学科倡议包括四个阶段:(1)第I阶段,通过问卷调查和回顾文献生成标准;(2)第II阶段,通过改...
The ACR is a document which evaluates how accessible our product is according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
The ACR Appropriateness Criteria are evidence-based guidelines for specific clinical conditions that are reviewed annually by a multidisciplinary expert panel. The guideline development and revision process support the systematic analysis of the medical literature from peer-reviewed journals. Established ...
主持编写了《甲状腺超声指南》 《中国浅表器官超声检查指南》《甲状腺结节超声恶性危险分层的中国指 南—C-TIRADS》《2022经皮激光消融甲状腺乳头状微小癌专家实践共 识》.主编《乳腺超声影像报告与数据系统解读》《内分泌疾病超声诊 断》《甲状腺及甲状旁腺超声影像学》《浅表器官超声诊断》《浅表器官超声诊断学图解...
《肿瘤影像学》2022年第31卷第5期 475 在ACR TI-RADS,ATA指南,修订后ACR TI-RADS,修订后ATA指南中,修订后的ATA指 南的穿刺效能最佳(AUC为0.70,P<0.01), 特异度最高(44.0%),不必要的活检率最 低 ( 3 1 . 5 % ) . ATA 指南的穿刺灵敏度最佳 (99.2%). 项目 ATA指南推荐 修改后的ATA指南 ACR TI...
!FailuretofollowthefollowinginstallationguidelinesmaycausetheGlobalFixV5 tooperateincorrectly. !DonotmounttheGlobalFixV5closerthan1.0metretoanysteeringcompassas thismayaffecttheaccuracyofthecompass. !KeeptheGlobalFixV5awayfromanystrongmagneticsourcessuchas loudspeakers,compasscompensationmagnets,etc. !Donotinstallor...
the spread of COVID-19 in our homes. At the same time, DHS urges that providers need to support health and safety, while balancing a person’s freedom of choice, including being able to see who they want to see. We expect regulatory authorities will continue to change these guidelines. ...