The above uncertainties result in the unbalance of return and demand. On one hand, if there are not enough returned cores, the remanufacturers will have to salvage the low quality cores, convert other types of cores, tooling, or even use new products to meet the demand, and such operations...
The main observations from the above analysis in this section can be summarized as follows: There are various forms of functions (passive return, linear relation, non-linear relation) used to illustrate the relationship between acquisition effort and volume; Mixed return strategies (leasing ...
sensors Article A Study on the Data Compression Technology-Based Intelligent Data Acquisition (IDAQ) System for Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Structures Gwanghee Heo and Joonryong Jeon * Department of Civil and Environment Engineering, Konyang University, 121 Daehak-ro, Nonsan, Chungnam 320-...
A Dynamic Model of Embedded Entrepreneurial Network Governance under Uncertainty Feng-Wen Chen 1,*, Meng-Xian Lin 1,* and Ting Wang 2 1 School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, China 2 College of Computer Science, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030...