Advance Care Planning is introduced as an integral part of The Gold Standards Framework (GSF) Training Programme in end-of-life care in the UK, in a variety of settings. GSF enables a systematic way to deliver the 'right care, for the right person, in the right place at the right time...
"By establishing a balanced and thoughtful framework for the practice, use, and reimbursement of telemedicine in primary care, patients,physicians, and the health care system will realize the full potential of telemedicine," the authors write....
The authors reviewed the literature on evidence for HBV vaccination, screening, and linkage to care and integrated new evidence with consensus across guidelines, using a high-value care framework developed by the ACP. With respect to vaccination, the evidence supports universal vaccination for adults ...
ing and incorporated events (e.g., stroke, MI) that could also be a clinical bene t (through a reduction) with type 2 diabetes treatment (24). Long-acting insulinsandsulfonylureasdirectlycausehypoglycemiaandwereusedeitherasadirectcomparatororwithinusualcare,whichmaydistort ndings. Continuedonfollowing...
with usual care or long-acting insulins (24). Although life-year gained) compared with an SGLT-2 inhibitor all examined medications are indicated for improve- (empagli ozin)(SupplementTable9)(25). ment in glycemic control, primary study designs allowing...
Enterprise architecture framework A Comparison of the Top Four Enterprise Architecture Approaches in 2014 As a CISO working for a direct bank based in Taiwan that relies entirely on internet banking, you are collaborating with the Human Resources (HR) department to improve personnel security. Which ...
Experiences with implementing advance care planning (ACP-GP) in Belgian general practice in the context of a cluster RCT: a process evaluation using the RE-AIM frameworkBELGIUMDOCUMENTATIONHUMAN services programsFOCUS groupsRESEARCH fundingGENERAL practitionersPRIMARY health care...
ACPTalk aimed to provide religion-specific advance care planning content and complement existing resources. Objective: The purpose of this paper was to utilize the context, input, process, and product (CIPP) framework to conduct a formative and summative evaluation of ACPTalk. Methods: ...