optical phonon 光频声子,光学声子 相似单词 phonon n. 声子 acoustic a. 听觉的,声学的,音响学的 [acoustic version]指的是唱片或音乐是纯乐器演奏版,不是电子合成音乐。 acoustic(al) 听觉 infra acoustic 亚声 opto acoustic 光声 magnetic acoustic 磁声 acoustic(al)absorbent 吸声材料,吸声剂 最新...
Related to Acoustic phonon: Optical phononpho·non (fō′nŏn′) n. The quantum of acoustic or vibrational energy, considered as a quasiparticle and used especially in mathematical models to calculate thermal and vibrational properties of solids. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Languag...
We present here a scheme of studying the role of optical phonons in heat transfer and in generating heat resistance via various three-phonon acoustic-optical N and U processes. Using the Debye dispersion law in the reduced zone scheme we write for acoustic modes ω= cq and for optical modes...
We found an intriguing large variation, over similar to 28%, in the acoustic phonon group velocities in this group of materials with similar crystal structures. Our data indicate that the full-width-at-half-maximum of the acoustic phonon peaks is strongly affected by the optical properties and ...
optical phonon scattering dominates and at low temperature acoustic phonon dominate. When the Fermi energy is close to the nodal-line, relaxation due to acoustic phonon is strongly suppressed for all the temperatures above the lattice temperatures. This is because the nodal ring constrains the acousti...
optical phonon and carrier population; (2) reducing the phononic DOS; (3) acoustic phonon up-conversion to optical phonon. Strong thermal isolation required by the first mechanism is very difficult to achieve due to the spontaneous interaction between the carriers and LO phonons. In lead-halide ...
O. Raman Spectroscopy of Very Small Cd1‑xCoxS Quantum Dots Grown by a Novel Protocol: Direct Observation of Acoustic-Optical Phonon Coupling. J. Raman Spectrosc. 2013, 44, 1022-1032.Berliner, L. Biological Magnetic Resonance; Springer: US, 2013. (47) Neto, E. S. F.; Silva, A. C...
It is shown that the anharmonicity of crystal lattice vibrations in light metals such as beryllium,can give rise to a Fermi resonance of optical one-phonon and acoustic two-phononvibrations. New hybridized vibrational states are formed as a result of such a resonance interaction:biphonon and ...
phonon retronym rosette sabin slack-key sonobuoy steel guitar thermoacoustic ultrasonic unplugged waveguide Adding tags is temporarily disabled while we update our database. tagging (0) Words tagged 'acoustic' Tagged words temporarily unavailable. Adding tags is temporarily disabled whil...
Precise engineering of phonon-phonon (ph-ph) and electron-phonon (e-ph) interactions by materials design is essential for an in-depth understanding of thermal, electrical, and optical phenomena as well as new technology breakthrough governed by fundamental physical laws. Due to their characteristic...