Counteractions of beta cyclodextrin (βCD) to the light intensity's impact were investigated on the nutritional indices of Acokanthera spectabilis (Hochst.) extract and chlorfluazuron 5% EC against the 4th instar larvae of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.). The LC10 value...
Acocanthera oblongifolia,Acocanthera spectabilis,poison arrow plant,winter sweet- medium-sized shrubby tree of South Africa having thick leathery evergreen leaves and white or pink flowers and globose usually two-seeded purplish black fruits
Phagostimulants from Acokanthera spectabilis Hook tested on Spodoptera lit- toralis Boisd. ( Lepidoptera:Noctuidae)[ J]. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Entomologie,1977,8(2 4):441 - 444 .Abbassay, M. A,El-Gayar, F,and El-Shazli, A.Phagostimulants from Acokanthera spectabilis Hook tested on...
RESPONSE OF Acokanthera spectabilis PLANTS TO SALINE WATER IRRIGATIONdoi:10.21608/JPD.2009.44715Amal Abdo Mohamed NasrEgypts Presidential Specialized Council for Education and Scientific Research
Phagostimulants from Acokanthera spectabilis Hook tested on Spodoptera lit- toralis Boisd. ( Lepidoptera:Noctuidae)[ J]. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Entomologie,1977,8(2 4):441 - 444 .Abbassay, M. A,El-Gayar, F,and El-Shazli, A.Phagostimulants from Acokanthera spectabilis Hook tested on...
A new antifeedant to Spodoptera littoralis Boisd. (Lepid., Noctuidae) from Acokanthera spectabilis Hook. (Apocynaceae)1doi:10.1111/j.1439-0418.1977.tb02405.xM. A. AbbassyA. El‐ShazliF. El‐GayarJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd (10.1111)
Hanna AG, Elgamal MHA, Hassan AZ, Duddeck H, Simon A, Kovacs J, Toth G, Complete 1H and 13C signal assignments of 5b-cardenolides isolated from Acokanthera spectabilis Hook.F. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 1998;36(12): 936-942....
Complete 1H and 13C signal assignments of 5β‐cardenolides isolated from Acokanthera spectabilis Hook F.[J] . Atef G.Hanna,M. Hani A.Elgamal,Amal Z.Hassan,HelmutDuddeck,AndrásSimon,JózsefKovács,GáborTóth.Magn. Reson. Chem. . 1999 (12)...
A new antifeedant to Spodoptera littoralis Boisd. (Lepid., Noctuidae) from Acokanthera spectabilis Hook. (Apocynaceae)1doi:10.1111/j.1439-0418.1977.tb02405.xM. A. AbbassyA. El-ShazliF. El-GayarJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdZeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie...