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7.“Studies that compare induction of labor to its actual alternative, expectant management awaiting spontaneous labor, have found either no difference or a decreased risk of cesarean delivery among women who are induced. This appears to be true even for women with an unfavora...
61. Safe prevention of theprimary cesarean delivery. Obstetric Care Consensus No. 1. American College ofObstetricians and Gynecologists. Obstet Gynecol 2014;123:693– 711. (Level III) 62. Habli M, O’Brien T, Nowack E,Khoury S, Barton JR, Sibai B. Peripartum cardiomyopathy: prognostic fact...
149.Overcash RT, Somers AT, LaCoursiereDY. Enoxaparin dosing after cesarean delivery in morbidly obese women. ObstetGynecol 2015;125:1371–6. (Level II-1) 150.Stephenson ML, Serra AE, Neeper JM,Caballero DC, McNulty J. A randomized controlled trial of differing doses ofpostcesarean enoxaparin...
116.Safe prevention of the primarycesarean delivery. Obstetric Care Consensus No. 1. American College ofObstetricians and Gynecologists. Obstet Gynecol 2014;123:693– 711. (Level III) 117.Habli M, O’Brien T, Nowack E,Khoury S, Barton JR, Sibai B. Peripartum cardiomyopathy: prognostic factor...
Retrieved from Obstetric_Care_Consensus_Series/Safe_Prevention_ of_the_Primary_Cesarean_DeliveryCaughey A, Cahill A, Guise JM, Rouse D. ACOG/SMFM obstetric consensus: safe prevention of the primary cesarean delivery. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014;123: ...
Stiver HG, Forward KR, Tyrrell DL, Krip G, Livingstone RA, Fugere P, et al. Comparative cervical microflora shifts after cefoxitin or cefazolin prophylaxis against infection following cesarean section. Am J Obstet Gyne- col 198...
Stiver HG, Forward KR, Tyrrell DL, Krip G, Livingstone RA, Fugere P, et al. Comparative cervical microflora shifts after cefoxitin or cefazolin prophylaxis against infection following cesarean section. Am J Obstet Gyne- col 1984;149:718–21. (Level I) ...
Stiver HG, Forward KR, Tyrrell DL, Krip G, Livingstone RA, Fugere P, et al. Comparative cervical microflora shifts after cefoxitin or cefazolin prophylaxis against infection following cesarean section. Am J Obstet Gyne- col 1984;149:718–21. (Level I) ...
Stiver HG, Forward KR, Tyrrell DL, Krip G, Livingstone RA, Fugere P, et al. Comparative cervical microflora shifts after cefoxitin or cefazolin prophylaxis against infection following cesarean section. Am J Obstet Gyne- col 1984;149:718–21. (Level I) ...