Wu P, Gulati M, Kwok CS, Wong CW, Narain A, O’Brien S, et al. Preterm delivery and future risk of maternal cardiovas- cular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am Heart Assoc 2018;7:e007809. (Systematic Review and Me...
122. Silver R, Helfand BT, Russell TL, Ragin A, Sholl JS, MacGregor SN. Multifetal reduction increases the risk of preterm delivery and fetal growth restriction in twins: a case-control study. Fertil Steril 1997;67:30–3. (...
122. Silver R, Helfand BT, Russell TL, Ragin A, Sholl JS, MacGregor SN. Multifetal reduction increases the risk of preterm delivery and fetal growth restriction in twins: a case-control study. Fertil Steril 1997;67:30–3. (LevelII-2) 123. Multiplegestation: complicated twin, triplet, an...
Use of prophylactic antibiotics in labor and delivery. ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 199. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Obstet Gynecol 2018; 132:e103–19. (Level III) 110 Abou El Senoun G, Dowswell T, Mousa HA. Planned home versus hospital care for preterm prelabour rupture...
93. Baschat AA. Doppler application in the delivery timing of the preterm growth-restricted fetus: another step in the right direction. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2004;23:111–8. (Level III) 94. Ghidini A. Doppler of the ductus venosus in severe preterm fetal growth restriction: a test in ...
Use of prophylactic antibiotics in labor and delivery. ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 199. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Obstet Gynecol 2018; 132:e103–19. (Level III) 110 Abou El Senoun G, Dowswell T, Mousa HA. Planned home versus hospital care for preterm prelabour rupture...
Adamkin DH. Postnatal glucose homeostasis in latepreterm and term infants. Committee on Fetus and Newborn. Pediatrics 2011;127:575–9. 28 Implementation of the use of antenatal corticosteroids in the late preterm birth period in women at risk for preterm delivery. Society for Maternal-Fetal Medic...
183.Wu P, Gulati M, Kwok CS, Wong CW,Narain A, O’Brien S, et al. Preterm delivery and future risk of maternalcardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am Heart Assoc2018;7:e007809. (Systematic Review and MetaAnalysis) ...
B 族链球菌(GBS)又称无乳链球菌,存在于胃肠道和泌尿生殖道内,属于条件致病菌。 约10%~30% 的孕妇伴有 GBS 感染,若不加以干预,其中 50% 在分娩过程中会传递给新生儿,是导致孕产妇产褥期感染和新生儿感染/死亡的重要原因之一。 美国从 20 世纪 90 年代初期开始,通过开展围产期 GBS 筛查与积极干预,使母婴预后...
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.ACOG practicebulletin no.31:assessment of risk factors for preterm birth〔J〕. Obstetrics and Gynecology . 2001ACOG.Practice Bulletin No.31 Assessment of risk factors for preterm birth.Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2001...