by uprooting it and replanting it. Time Weather changes only occur on the hour. The exception to a new day’s changes occuring at 5:00 am (see: Timing) are critters appearing or disappearing at the start of a new month. These changes occur at midnight when the local date changes. ...
Another thing I would fix would be to make sure the Northern/Southern hemisphere setting is consistent across the app. I’m in the Northern hemisphere and as I was checking off my donation of the fish from last month in March, there were fish in the sorting list that weren’t available ...
by uprooting it and replanting it. Time Weather changes only occur on the hour. The exception to a new day’s changes occuring at 5:00 am (see: Timing) are critters appearing or disappearing at the start of a new month. These changes occur at midnight when the local date changes. ...
June is here, which means a bunch of newbugsandfishare showing up inAnimal Crossing: New Horizons. There’s no rush to catch any of them, as they’ll stick around for much longer than a month, but make sure you donate any new finds t...