It's important to know that acne scars can't be treated if you still have active acne. That's because many acne treatments interfere with medicines and procedures used to fade scars. If your skin is broken out, a dermatologist will first help you get that under control. What to Ask Your...
Medical Financial Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia ac·ne (ăk′nē) n. An inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the skin that is marked by the eruption of pimples or pustules, especially on the face. [New Latin, probably from misreading of Greekakmē,point, facial...
Medical History:The first step in diagnosing adult acne is a thorough medical history. Dermatologists will ask about your acne symptoms, their duration, and when they first appeared. Additionally, they will inquire about any previous treatments you've tried, hormonal changes (like menstrual cycles ...
Rolling scars are severe types of ice-pick scars that create an uneven, wavy texture on your skin. They are not very deep and can become almost invisible when your skin is stretched. Rolling scars are caused by long-term inflammatory acne and can become more pronounced with...
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is the medical term for skin discoloration. It often occurs as a result of inflamed skin producing more melanin as a response to the inflammation. The discoloration can range from light pink to dark brown, and it is more commonly seen in dark skin types than...
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or PIH is the medical term for discoloration of the skin that is caused by an inflammatory wound such as when you can a scrape, rash, pimple or acne. It can differ in color from brown, red, pink, purple, depending on your skin type and color. ...
The medical term for acne is acne vulgaris, and it is a skin disease that affects oil glands on the face, back and chest. Less frequently, it can also be found on other parts of the body. Many things can stimulate acne, including diet, hormones, and skin care. It usually affects peop...
Acne scars - Medical ForumVirtual Medical Centre Com
For individuals whose acne was resistant to standard Western medical treatment or those with long term body acne an increased dose and longer treatment may be required.What causes Acne and what to do about those persistent acne scars Acne is caused when over activity of the skin's oil glands ...
[New Guide] Learn what dermatologists say are the best treatments available to help fade acne scars and get rid of them altogether.