3. breakout:痤疮爆发或发作 4. clear skin:皮肤清洁或无痤疮 5. spot treatment:针对痤疮或痘痘的局部治疗 6. anti-acne formula:抗痤疮配方 7. combination skin:混合性皮肤,有时与易受痤疮感染的皮肤相关 8. hormonal acne:激素性痤疮,通常与荷尔蒙水平变化有关 9. purge:清除痤疮的过程 10. spot treatment...
I admit I haven’t needed to try this one yet myself, but if your workouts have you sweating up a storm, consider a sports-specific laundry detergent to thoroughly purge the grime from your activewear. The odor in stinky workout clothes is caused by bacteria, and bacteria also causes brea...