Back in The States, Hal attended school during the day and brought in the electrics at night, until a newspaper announcement rang up the curtain on his dramatic career of persistent study and rewarding accomplishment. An industry that was to give America universal mobility was starting out on un...
(单板等)插入/拔出 Plug/Unplug (发货)附件,辅助设备 Accessories (话务员)为分机用户代拨外线 Dial Out For An Extension (话务员帮)接通(电话) Put Through (计算机上)主板,母板 Mother-Board (界面)刷新 Refresh (开局)调测现场 Commissioning Site (判定)门限 Threshold (软件)补钉 Patch (试运行前的)开通...
Write your to do list the night prior The second tip is that you should write your to do list the night prior. This method will help you to start your day with certainty. Pick the first item on your list in the morning The next tip is that you should complete the first item on you...