截稿日期: 2024-06-26 通知日期: 2024-09-22 会议日期: 2024-11-22 会议地点: Shenzhen, China 届数: 15 浏览:29782关注:6参加:1 征稿 The topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following: AI and Machine Learning in Medicine and Health...
Expansion of Partner Journals We are also happy to announce exciting new partnerships with several leading journals in the field, which will publish selected original full-length research papers accepted by ACM-BCB 2024. Currently, our partner journals include (pending for approval): IEEE/ACM Transac...
SCHLOAR'sWANDERING学旅漫谈// 本期人物PEOPLE王颖前沿计算研究中心2023级博士研究生,她关于“鲁棒预测聚合”的研究成果被计算经济学领域的顶级学术会议ACM EC 2024(ACM Conference on Economics and Computation)收录。2024年7月8日至7月11日,她受邀前往...