访问时间即日起至2024年12月31日访问方式在校园网IP范围内访问「闽江学院图书馆官网」点击「文献资源」“按首字母顺序浏览数据库”选择「A」或在“数据库检索”中输入「ACM Digital Library」01为什么选择以OA形式发表论文如果以OA形式发表...
Open Access to ACM Digital Library During Coronavirus Pandemic March 30, 2020 Dear ACM Members: As the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic continues, we at ACM would like to do what we can to help support the computing community. Many computing researchers and practitioners are now working remotely. ...
历史最悠久的计算机出版物之一《ACM 通讯(Communications of the ACM)》拆除了付费墙,正式拥抱开放获取:逾 60 年里出版的知名研究文章、开创性论文、技术报告、评论、现实实践和新闻报道向所有用户开放,不管他们是不是 ACM 会员还是订阅了 ACM Digital Library。ACM(美国计算机协会)是在 2020 年宣布用大约五年时间(到...
1、ACM Digital Library:于1999年开始提供在线数据库服务,涵盖了1950年代至今的所有出版物的全文内容,以及Special Interest Group的相关出版物,包括快报和会议录。同时还整合了第三方出版社的内容,全面集成了“在线计算机文献指南”这个书目文摘数据库。 2、ACM电子书:是ACM与Morgan & Claypool新合作推出的一系列高质量...
ACM也在其社交媒体渠道上强调其历史,包括展示其档案中的著名论文。 了解更多: https://associationsnow.com/2022/05/the-way-things-were-why-open-access-to-the-acm-digital-library-matters/ (举报)
ACM Digital Library数据库目前收录了约64.08万篇期刊、会议录、快报等全文文章,并以每年约 25,000 篇的频率不断更新。同时,ACM整合了第三方出版社的内容,全面集成了“在线计算机文献指南”(The Guide to Computing Literature)书目文摘数据库。它集合了ACM和其他1,...
option, which allows for perpetual open access to their work through ACM's digital library. ...
One of the great resources available on the Internet is the ACM Digital Library. One of the problems for many is that access to this library is not free. I am a long time member of the ACM especially of SIGCSE –the Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education –and that ...
the event seeks to promote global computing education development. The conference is fully dual anonymous with an expected acceptance rate of between 25 and 35%. Accepted papers will be indexed and archived in the gold-standard ACM Digital Library. The 3rd ACM Global Computing Education Conference ...