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ACM has transitioned to a new authoring template. This new TeX template (acmart v2.12) consolidates the previous eight individual ACM journal and proceeding...
As a tutorial presenter, you are expected to write a short tutorial summary for the conference proceedings (detailed instructions will be provided), present your tutorial at the conference in person, and provide a link to your tutorial materials after the tutorial so that it can be posted on t...
第六届计算科学与应用国际学术会议 (CSAE2022) 【大会简介】 继成功举办5届后,本次大会拟于美丽金陵召开,会议日程将包括:主题报告,口头与海报展示。我们诚挚欢迎计算机领域的专家学者出席会议并交流最新研究成果。 录用文章仍将出版到 ACM International Conference Proceedings Series,由ACM数字图书馆收录,提交 EI Compe...
A list of books about the proceedings of conferences held by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is presented. These include "21st Annual Computer Personnel Research Conference," "11th Annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages" and "Second International Conference on Systems ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data (PACMMOD) ACM 数据管理系列会议论文集 发行年:2023 ISSN:2836-6573 资源简介: ACM 数据管理系列会议论文集是一本关注数据库管理系统、数据管理技术及数据科学与工程原则、算法、技术与应用的期刊。该期刊欢迎有关数据管理...
ACM Conference Proceedings Primary Article Template Official Open as TemplateView SourceView PDF\begin{now} Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work. Sign up for freeExplore all plans About About us Our values Careers Press & awards Blog Learn LaTeX in 30 minutes Tem...
EI会议详细信息:会议时间:2023年7月7-9日 会议截稿日期:2023年4月30日 会议地点:同济大学 2023EI会议出版:第三届机器人和人工智能国际会议(JCRAI 2023)会议论文一经录用,将发表在:ACM International Conference Proceedings Series(ICPS)中,并发送至Ei , Scopus、CPCI、谷歌学术等数据库检索。优秀论文将有...
Before using the 2017 ACM consolidated proceedings template, we strongly suggest that you read the TeX User Guide. Authors who plan to use their own packages should read the longer Implementation Guide. Tags Conference PaperAssociation for Computing Machinery (ACM) - Official Primary Article Templates...
IEEE Conference proceedings 系列长期征稿; 主题:计算机大类,电子电气,控制,人工智能,通讯,网络 流体力学 天体物理学等学科主题 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) IEEE Conference proceedings 与国内外部分高校,外企,科研机构有会议合作关系 每月均会提交会议论文至不同出版社出版,与多家世...