將應用程式的網域設定為指向 Application Load Balancer 的 DNS 名稱,而不是其 IP 地址。 確定Application Load Balancer 已設定應用程式層運作狀態檢查。 設定運作狀態檢查的閾值。 使用Amazon CloudWatch 監控Application Load Balancer。 史詩 匯出.pfx 檔案 任務描述所需的...
CloudWatch 指標 使用AWS Certificate Manager 使用SDK適用於爪哇的 AddTagsToCertificate DeleteCertificate DescribeCertificate ExportCertificate GetCertificate ImportCertificate ListCertificates RenewCertificate ListTagsForCertificate RemoveTagsFromCertificate RequestCertificate ResendValidationEmail 疑難排解 憑證請求 憑證驗證 ...
master .github app bin config db deploy lib log public spec storage tf .gitignore .mairu.json .terraform.lock.hcl acm.tf apprunner.tf apprunner_deploy.rb aws.tf backend.tf cloudfront.tf cloudwatch.tf ecr.tf ecs.tf iam_EcsExecSponsorApp.tf iam_GhaSponsorDeploy.tf iam_SponsorApp.tf iam...
A.创建将向其发布Amazon CloudWatch警报的AmazonSNS主题配置CloudWatch警报以调用Lambda函数 B.创建将Amazon CloudWatch警报发布到的AmazonSQS队列配置要发布到SQS队列的CloudWatch警报 C.修改Lambda函数,使其由发布到AmazonSNS主题的消息触发.如果售票系统的API端点不可用,则更新现有的应用程序代码以每5分钟重试一次 D.修改La...
CloudWatch 指標 使用AWS Certificate Manager 使用SDK適用於爪哇的 AddTagsToCertificate DeleteCertificate DescribeCertificate ExportCertificate GetCertificate ImportCertificate ListCertificates RenewCertificate ListTagsForCertificate RemoveTagsFromCertificate RequestCertificate ResendValidationEmail 疑難排解 憑證請求 憑證驗證 ...
CloudWatch métriques Utiliser AWS Certificate Manager avec le SDK pour Java AddTagsToCertificate DeleteCertificate DescribeCertificate ExportCertificate GetCertificate ImportCertificate ListCertificates RenewCertificate ListTagsForCertificate RemoveTagsFromCertificate RequestCertificate ResendValidationEmail Dépannage Deman...
CloudWatch Registros Provedor de identidade do Amazon Cognito Amazon DocumentDB DynamoDB IAM Kinesis Lambda Amazon MSK Amazon RDS Amazon Redshift Amazon S3 Amazon SNS Amazon SQS SDKpara JavaScript (v2) CloudWatch CloudWatch Eventos CloudWatch Registros DynamoDB EventBridge IAM Lambda Amazon P...
CloudWatch 指標 使用AWS Certificate Manager 使用SDK適用於爪哇的 AddTagsToCertificate DeleteCertificate DescribeCertificate ExportCertificate GetCertificate ImportCertificate ListCertificates RenewCertificate ListTagsForCertificate RemoveTagsFromCertificate RequestCertificate ResendValidationEmail 疑難排解 憑證請求 憑證驗證 ...
For more information, see Supported CloudWatch Metrics. Both Amazon Web Services Private CA and the IAM principal must have permission to write to the S3 bucket that you specify. If the IAM principal making the call does not have permission to write to the bucket, then an exception is ...
CloudWatch metrics Use AWS Certificate Manager with the SDK for Java AddTagsToCertificate DeleteCertificate DescribeCertificate ExportCertificate GetCertificate ImportCertificate ListCertificates RenewCertificate ListTagsForCertificate RemoveTagsFromCertificate RequestCertificate ResendValidationEmail Troubleshoot Certificate...