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由于AWS CloudFormation 提供强大的自动化功能,导致很容易超出证书配额,特别是在使用新AWS账户的情况下。我们建议您遵循适用于 AWS CloudFormation 的 ACM最佳实践。 注意 如果您使用 AWS CloudFormation 创建 ACM 证书,AWS CloudFormation 堆栈会保留在CREATE_IN_PROGRESS状态。任何进一步的堆栈操作将被延迟,直到您按照证书...
问通过没有S3的CloudFront和ACM在Route53上服务静态网站EN如同 iPhone 当年颠覆了诺基亚,Serverless 的出现...
打击可以自行查看: • Elastic Load Balancing –请参阅 Elastic Load Balancing 文档• Amazon CloudFront –请参阅 CloudFront 文档• Amazon API Gateway –请参阅 API Gateway 文档• Amazon Elastic Beanstalk –请参阅 AWS Elastic Beanstalk 文档• Amazon CloudFormation – 目前仅支持 ACM 管理的公有...
在后续的演示示例中,您可以在 Amazon EKS 上设置 APISIX Ingress,我们将会根据这两种方式演示 APISIX Ingress 如何与 ACM 配合使用(以及 ACM Private CA)。 预置环境 开始之前,您需要具备以下条件: AWS账号与 AWS 命令行界面(AWS CLI). 您必须有权使用 Amazon EKS IAM 角色和服务相关角色、AWS CloudFormation、Ama...
Customers can enable OCSP with a single operation via the console, CloudFormation, API or command line with no development or deployment required for new or existing CAs. Private CA’s OCSP allows customers to deploy certificates that any TLS endpoint can query revocation status on directly, ...
main Breadcrumbs core-api/ cloudformation/Directory actions More optionsLatest commit HistoryHistory Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date parent directory .. iam.yml logs.yml main.yml phony-swagger.yml Footer © 2024 GitHub, Inc. Footer navigation Terms Privacy Security...
In this scenario, you create a private certificate authority in ACM Private CA with RSA 2048 selected as the key algorithm. You cancreate a CAusing the AWS console, AWS CLI, orAWS CloudFormation. To create an ACM Private CA Download the CA certificate using the following command. Replace the...
我正在编写一个 Cloudformation 模板来请求 ACM 证书,以便 Cloudfront 通过 DNS 获得 SSL 我的模板: ACMCertificate:Type:"AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate"Properties:DomainName:mywebsite.comSubjectAlternativeNames:-www.mywebsite.comDomainValidationOptions:-DomainName: mywebsite.comHostedZoneId:!Ref MyHost...