ACLS Rhythms 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 Pulseless Vtach 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 7 建立者 edie_l_johnson ACLS Pre-Course Self-Assessment 60個詞語 ACLS 95個詞語 Music Final Prep - Exam Q's 180個詞語 IMA exam terms 18個詞語 Music answer
What are shockable rhythms? Vfib and Vtach What are the respiratory parameters once ROSC has been achieved? Breaths 10/min SpO2: 92%-98% PaCO2: 35-45 mmHg What drug do you administer to a bradycardic patient w/ signs or symptoms of hypotension, AMS, shick or acute heart failure?
how many defibrillation Jules for pulseless shockable rhythms? Biphasic 120-200 J, Monophasic 360 J What meds for pulseless shockable rhythms? how often? +Epinephrine 1 mg every 3-5 minutes Amiodarone +300mg 1st dose then 150 mg or +Lidocaine 1-1.5 mg/kg first dose then 0.5-0.75 mg/k...