在管理 Linux 主机的帐号时,我们必须先来了解一下 Linux 到底是如何辨别每一个使用者的。 1.1 使用者识别码: UID 与 GID 虽然我们登陆 Linux 主机的时候,输入的是我们的帐号,但是其实 Linux 主机并不会直接认识你的“帐号名称”的,他仅认识 ID (ID 就是一组号码)。 由于计算机仅认识 0 与 ...
71## user MACHINE=COMMANDS 72## 73## The COMMANDS section may have other options added to it. 74## 75## Allow root to run any commands anywhere 76root ALL=(ALL) ALL77sudouser ALL=(root) /usr/sbin/useradd ///命令行书写格式,用户列用别名 ……后面省略 对于多个命令的设置: Cmnd_Alias...
### 方式一: visudo 推荐使用 直接使用 visudo 命令,进行配置修改,好处是会提示语法错误 # 检查配置是否正确 visudo -c /etc/sudoers:解析正确 ### 方式二: vim /etc/sudoers 风险高、无提示 可修改完后,用visudo -c 检测 # 1 sudo 语法 user MACHINE=COMMANDS # 示例解释:root ALL=(ALL) ALL root :...
Acl redis - One C++ redis client library in Acl 0. Introduction The redis module in Acl is a powerful redis client library with higth performance, rich interface and easy to use. There are more than 13 C++ classes and over 150 commands in Acl redis, including STRING, HASH, LIST, SET, ...
1) ACL <subcommand> [<arg> [value] [opt] ...]. Subcommands are: 2) CAT [<category>] 3) List all commands that belong to <category>, or all command categories 4) when no category is specified. 5) DELUSER <username> [<username> ...] ...
一、redis安装 安装流程参照: linux环境下redis安装 分别基于端口6379,6380,6381安装redis-sever服务。如图所示: 二、redis权限设置 redis新版本添加了acl(access control lists)权限控制列表,设置用户权限,…
You can either use datasets on HuggingFace / ModelScope / Modelers hub or load the dataset in local disk. Note Please update data/dataset_info.json to use your custom dataset. Quickstart Use the following 3 commands to run LoRA fine-tuning, inference and merging of the Llama3-8B-Instruct ...
(12)我们先清除win10-1主机浏览器的缓存,再用win10-1主机访问Linux系统的t //切换全局模式 Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. sw(config)#no ip routing //关闭路由功能 sw(config)#vlan 10,20 //创建vlan sw(config-vlan)#exit //退出 sw(config)#int range f1/1 -2...
all your operations are performed on the NAS side as the AD domain user. A root user is granted only the permissions of the AD domain user instead of the administrator permissions. Permission-related commands are unavailable in Linux. These commands include chmod, chown, chgrp, getfacl, and ...
R1#conf t //进入全局模式 Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. R1(config)#int f0/0 //进入f0/0接口 R1(config-if)#ip add //配置IP地址 R1(config-if)#no shut //开启接口 *Mar 1 00:05:30.323: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0...