8月14日(也就是昨日),大会正式公布了本届获得Best Paper等奖项的工作:获Best paper奖项的文章共7 篇(两篇未公开)、Theme paper 奖项文章1 篇、Outstanding paper奖项文章共 35 篇。 其中Best paper奖项中华中科技大团队破译甲骨文的一项工作上榜。 破译...
论文地址:https://aclanthology.org/D14-1162.pdf 最佳社会影响力论文奖(Best Social Impact Paper Awards) 社会影响力旨在表彰那些在计算语言学领域中对社会产生积极影响的研究工作,今年获奖的论文为以下三篇: 1. How Johnny Can Persuade LLMs to Ja...
Research collaborators from Bocconi University, Allen Institute for AI, Intel Labs, University of Oxford, and LMU Munich received the Outstanding Paper Award for their long paper at ACL 2024 on August 11-16. Intel Labs also collaborated on a second oral paper that ...
Meta有4,ac说除了acl也可以考虑cogsci等会议,并且best paper award那里是maybe,可是我均分才3,我觉...
关于 Meta:Meta 的分数是指 Paper 完成度,4 分意味着 minor revision,可以在 camera ready 之前搞定...
The ACL 2021 Paper Awards were announced this week, with the best paper honours going to a team from ByteDance AI Lab, University of Wisconsin–Madison and Nanjing University. Their paper treats vocabulary construction for machine translation, aka vocabu
Best Paper Award 我们还将在研讨会上宣布由亚马逊赞助的最佳论文奖。 提交指南 我们欢迎两种类型的论文:常规论文和Non-archival版本。只有常规研讨会论文才会被收录在研讨会论文集中。所有提交应使用ACL模板,以PDF格式通过OpenReview提交门户提交: https://openreview.net/group?id=aclweb.org/ACL/2024/Workshop/Knowle...
<url hash="8f8f9da2">2024.c3nlp-1.2</url> <bibkey>baltaji-etal-2024-conformity</bibkey> <doi>10.18653/v1/2024.c3nlp-1.2</doi> </paper> <paper id="3"> Synchronizing Approach in Designing Annotation Guidelines for Multilingual Datasets: A <fixed-case>COVID</fixed-case>-19 Case Study...
2024. [arxiv] Zhang et al. TS-Align: A Teacher-Student Collaborative Framework for Scalable Iterative Finetuning of Large Language Models. 2024. [arxiv] Zihong Chen. Sentence Segmentation and Sentence Punctuation Based on XunziALLM. 2024. [paper] Gao et al. The Best of Both Worlds: Toward...
(https://dimabsa2024.github.io/). The evaluation papers will be also included in the workshop proceedings after review and revision. We offer a Best Evaluation Paper Award based on the performance and evaluation paper quality. The high-quality evaluation papers will be recommended to Electronics...