acknowledge receipt of收到 双语例句 He walked right past me without even acknowledging me. 他从我的身边走过,连个招呼也没打。 The country acknowledged his claim to the throne. 全国人民确认了他的王权。 It is a great relief to allow us ourselves the luxury of acknowledging our human frailties....
to tell someone, usually in a letter or email, that you have received something they sent you: (通过信函或邮件等)确认收悉 They didn't acknowledge my letter. acknowledge receipt ofPlease acknowledge receipt of this letter.收到此信,请复函告知。
The meaning of ACKNOWLEDGE is to recognize the rights, authority, or status of. How to use acknowledge in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Acknowledge.
4. acknowledge(confirm receipt of): acknowledgeletter,parcel accuserréceptionde 5. acknowledge(show recognition of): acknowledge montrerqu'onavu[qn] heacknowledgedthemwithawave illeurfitunsignedelamain shedidn'tevenacknowledgemeormypresence elleafaitsemblantdenepasmevoir ...
acknowledge(the)receipt ofsomething to report receiving something, such as a package, letter, or notice.The company acknowledged receipt of the merchandise I returned. See also:acknowledge,of,receipt McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies...
b. To express gratitude or appreciation for or to: acknowledged the contributions of the volunteers; acknowledged her editor in the preface to the book. 3. To report the receipt of (something) to the sender or giver: acknowledge a letter. 4. Law To accept or certify as legally binding: ...
Delivers information that the data was acknowledged (read) by the device. Bus request (BR, BREQ, or BRQ). Indicates a device...- Many protocols are acknowledgement-based, meaning that they positively acknowledge receipt of messages. The internet's Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)...- po**...
Man's death acknowledged as stemming from overwork While acknowledging the sensitivity of the malaria mosquito and parasite to climate, these researchers examine insect and incidence data to explore multiple factors underlying malaria emergence. Malaria and Global Warming in Perspective? drowned out his ...
After a JDU has received and processed a message, it must acknowledge receipt of the message. Every message received must be acknowledged; even if the sender of the message does not request an acknowledgement, JES XCF needs the acknowledgement. If the sender of the message requests an acknowled...
Acknowledging Partial Receipt of a Samples TransferIf there is a difference in the received and acknowledged quantities, you have the option either to close the transaction with a discrepancy, or keep the transaction open and mark the transaction as Partially Received....