AcknowledgementAcknowledgements for the conference can be found in the pdf.doi:10.1055/s-0034-1383415Russell J. CrawfordElena P IvanovaMeteorological and Environmental Research
Monocular pattern discrimination learning and amino acid incorporation into proteins of occipital cortex in rats Behavioral and Neural Biology, Volume 27, Issue 4, December 1979, Pages 385–397 Original Research Article PDF (678 K) Acknowledgement 1979, Behavioral and Neural Biology more Jiří Kř...
“Visual and Artefact Analysis through the Example of Electronic Music”ensured me an active academic dialogue, which was important in the devel-opment of this research.My thanks and appreciation also go to my former boss at MacromediaUniversity of Applied Sciences, Martin Lücke, who gave me the...
ovarian research reviewer acknowledgement 2014 Sham S Kakar1*, Stefano Palomba2, Benjamin K Tsang3 and David T Curiel4 Open Access Contributing reviewers The editors of Journal of Ovarian Research would like to thank all of our reviewers who have contributed to the journal in Volume 7 (2014)....
British Journal of Cancer (2014) 110, 3012–3020 & 2014 Cancer Research UK All rights reserved 0007 – 0920/14 Referee Acknowledgement for 2013 In this issue, we publish the names of those who reviewed manuscripts for us in 2013. The Editor-in-Chief, Specialist Editors and...
Of course, all content in PharmacoEconomics - Open is already open access and we have published a number of articles relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic (see Issues 2–4). In 2021, PharmacoEconomics - Open will continue to provide you with quality health economics and outcomes research. Thank ...
British Journal of Cancer (2011) 104, 1945 – 1950 & 2011 Cancer Research UK All rights reserved 0007 – 0920/11 Referee Acknowledgement for 2010 In this issue, we publish the names of those who reviewed manuscripts for us in 2010. The Editor-in-Chief, Specialist Editors ...
The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Henderson BMC Veterinary Research (2015) 11:40 Vinayagamurthy Balamurugan India Udeni Balasuriya USA Alfonso Baldi ...
Fortunately,fos the contributions oV all authors and readers to Meteorological and Environmental Research,it has been published successfully fos twelve years.And we,all members oV the editos office oV Meteorological and Environmental Research,appreciate all help and rsis-tance from you in the ...
The present invention relates to a method for configuring an acknowledgement mode of an HARQ re-transmission protocol used for acknowledging the delivery of data packets of a service provided from a transmitting entity to a receiving entity in a wireless communication system comprising a controlling en...