First, I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to my parents, for their endless love and care for me. Whatever I need and wherever I go, they are always there supporting me without any requirement in return. I thank my loving family and family is where I can forever turn. I would ...
First, I would like to give my greatest appreciation to my project advisor, Dr. S. K. Chang. Without his guidance, this project would never have been completed so well. He continuously provided me great ideas to improve both my program and my programming ability. Next, I want to thank ...
For more information see Showing a limited preview of this publication: AcknowledgementThis book project has been an exciting and challenging journey of collaborative andcollective future visionings. The voices and practices that form the foundation ofthis volu...
In Experiment 1, we found that children consider it acceptable to retell someone else's story if the source is given credit for their story (improving the source's reputation), but not if the reteller claims credit for the story (steals credit away from someone else). Experiments 2 and 3...
Project Manager Roles and Responsibilities PowerPoint Slides Opposing Ideas Slides Template for PowerPoint Business Slides Carnival PowerPoint Template Free Emoji Template for PowerPoint and Google Slides Free Timeline for Powerpoint and Google Slides
“Media Releases”). Any Media Release that refers to the fundingsource ofthe Grant shall: (1) refer to “Bloomberg Philanthropies” rather than to the Foundation itself, (2)refer to theMayors Challenge and state that the Project is one of the nine winning ideas of the Mayors Challenge, ...
From the novel, Christopher's Ghosts, by Charles McCarry: Capable of Doing the Impossible "[The CIA Director] never gave orders. He 'floated ideas,' he found gold dust in the opinions of his subordinates; he made what he called 'suggestions.' Sometimes these suggestions baffled, sometimes ...
Carty's project: ocaml-plplot. Many functions rely on Eigen and its OCaml binding. The binding also contains some functions (e.g., convolution functions) from Google's Tensorflow. Jérémie Dimino and many others built the powerful building system and convenient toplevel for OCaml. Other ...
Thank you for all the opportunities you “afforded” me – pun intended!I would like to thank the Landesgraduiertenförderung Baden-Württemberg for funding my research project. I especially appreciate their principle of non-interference in the development of the project itself, as it gave ...