拥有企业级SCA核心检测引擎及分析引擎 基于海量知识库,多源SCA开源应用安全缺陷检测等算法,对特征文件进行精准识别,提高组件的检出率 使用方式 使用Gitee Go 流水线进行扫描分析 将安全扫描集成到流水线,对提交/合入代码进行检测。 如何使用 立即集成 使用IDEA 插件离线检测 将OpenSCA 扫描能力集成到 IntelliJ 平...
Kinematic trajectory tracking controller for an all-terrain Ackermannn steering vehicle. In IFAC-PapersOnLine, Prodceedings of 9th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles IAV 2016, Leipzig, Germany, 29 June--1 July 2016; Springer: Berlin/Hedelberg, Germany, 2016; Volume 49, pp. 13-18...
Kinematic trajectory tracking controller for an all-terrain Ackermannn steering vehicle. In IFAC-PapersOnLine, Prodceedings of 9th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles IAV 2016, Leipzig, Germany, 29 June--1 July 2016; Springer: Berlin/Hedelberg, Germany, 2016; Volume 49, pp. 13-18...
Online path tracking with an integrated H∞ robust adaptive controller for a double-Ackermann steering robot for orchard waypoint navigationdoi:10.1007/s41315-024-00379-2Navigation of agricultural mobile platforms in small-scale orchards poses challenges due to narrow row-end turning spaces and the ...